Chapter 3 - Sleepover

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I was sleeping under the desk when I heard a loud bang, I opened my wings up and got out of being under the desk "Papa? what happened?" he looked at me "Sorry, I had to wake you up so you knew who everyone was" I nodded. Papa told me everyones names and quirks "Sir what is his name and quirk?" Momo asked politely "Right. This is Izuku Aizawa, his quirk is Angel" once again everyone started muttering to each other "In that case what would you rather us call you?" I put my hand on my chin thinking about what I want them to call me "Call me whatever you feel comfortable with, I don't mind" "But is there a name you would rather us call you?" I shook my head "Sir is that why he was sleeping under the desk?" Iida rudely stood up asking.

"sorry for the inconvenience, but I was sleeping under the desk because I have learnt this and because I didn't get much sleep last night so I need some sleep to get through the day" Iida stayed standing "You should be getting sleep at home as the same for him" he pointed to Dad "Im not sure if you realise who my dad is. he is the underground hero Eraserhead and he does night shifts almost every night" he sat back down in his seat without any response "lets continue." I walked over to my seat and sat down behind kacchan.

a few hours had passed by with learning and school was almost finished "Sir" everyone looked at Iida again "What is it" Iida suddenly looked at me "His wings are very distracting and it would be nice if he could put them away" dad gave off a big sigh "Iida I can't put my wings away, its the same for ojiro but his is a tail. My wings are like another part of skin for me" it didn't seem like Iida believed me "Dad, if you would" dad looked at me and activated his quirk disabling mine making my wings fall to the ground but not disappearing "Ah I see, so you can't deactivate your quirk" me and dad sighed, dad stopped using his quirk letting my wings go back to normal "Also Izuku" I looked at dad "Can you refrain from calling me 'dad' when classes are in" I nodded.

I looked at the seat in front of me and saw Kacchan's spiky hair "I need your attention" dad didn't sound very happy at all "in the next week we will be going to the USJ for some rescue training" some people started to smile in excitement "so make sure your ready"


I woke up to my alarm that for some reason sounded like papa "IZUKU WAKE UP" I opened my eyes to see papa hovering over me "sorry...." I looked at my alarm clock and saw that the time was 7:00 "WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME UP SOONER" I jolted out of bed and ran downstairs forgetting that I was still in my pjs "where's dad?!" I looked at the stairs waiting for an answer from papa "He already left, your gonna have to run" I quickly opened the door and started to run to school "Wait your forgot to put your-" I didn't have enough time to pay attention to what papa was saying so I just continued running.

I looked at my wrist that usually had my watch on it "Shit I forgot to get changed" I stopped running and looked at what I was wearing 'My pjs?!!' I felt really embarrassed.

"Look it's the pro hero hawks!" I heard in the distance people talking about Hawks, and that gave me an amazing idea. I got into an area where not many people were and started to fly, I flew towards the school when I heard a speaker "Stop right there and come back down to the ground slowly" I looked down and saw police below me; suddenly I felt someone grab my hands from behind and put handcuffs on me, I whipped my head around and saw hawks.

"Hawks?" He looked at me in the eyes "don't bother trying to restrain these are quirk suppressing cuffs, the only think keeping you from falling is me" once they where on properly I fell but just like hawks said he was keeping me in the air "crap I'm gonna be late, and dads going to kill me" I said just under my breath not thinking anyone would've heard me "where were you going" I looked at him "UA" he loosened his grip making me fall more "Don't drop me!!!" He quickly gripped on to me again "why were you going to UA" I sighed "My name is Izuku Aizawa, I'm in class 1-A and I was just trying to get to school on time" he started bringing me closer to the ground "so you have any ID on you?" I looked at him with an annoyed face "does it look like someone in pjs would have ID on them?" He shook his head "I will need to contact UA"

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