𝟎𝟏 | 𝐈 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 | 𝐁𝐨𝐛 𝐒𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐝𝐨𝐧

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𝐈 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔———————————————————

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                          THE first time you told me those three words was on our birthday. I went to go and get the gang to go out to the Dingo and you were just outside of my door, surprisingly my brother didn't see you and kick your ass. "Bob, what are you doing here?" I question, confused at to why you were on my front door step. "Well today's our birthday, we always celebrate together, remember?" you gave me that sweet smile of yours I could never resist, and it wouldn't go away."Of course I remember, I just thought we were going to the party a little later..." I unsurely looked at the kid I had called my best friend for my whole life, trying to figure out what to say next.

Me and Bob never missed a chance to celebrate our birthdays together, like we've did for the past 15 now 16
years of my life. My Dad and his were best friends since they were kids and they wanted us to be best friends like they were. Only one problem, Bob was a Soc and I was a greaser and the only greaser that could pass as a Soc. My looks are what people are focused on instead of the side of town I lived on.

"I'll see you at 9:00pm Lizzy" you whispered sweetly, you were hiding something. "See you Bob" I sighed as I continue walking down the street to the Curtis household. The gang was always like family to me, besides my actual brother Steve who was actually related to me. Ive always felt more similarities to Ponyboy and Johnny rather than Steve. I liked to read, watch movies, look at stars, watch sunsets and get good grades. Steve liked to pay attention to girls, cars, drag races and doesn't get good grades. Ive always been applauded for  my beauty from random people,  especially socs who couldn't even guess that I was a greaser, until they found out my last name was Randle, and I was in fact related to Steve randle.

As I walked through the Curtis household gate and closed it I saw Dally on the porch of the house smoking. Dallas was my ex, he's always treated me as if I was a still a child and protected me."Hi dal" I was kinda quiet, but still hoped he would hear me. Dally has always had a soft spot for me, no matter how many socs I hung out with, or how much of a goody two shoes I was, he was always there for me. "Hi doll" he responded, stomping on the cigarette he previously had in his mouth. I was about to reach to open the front door when Dally called for me. "Hey Doll" he was looking at me as if he craved for my attention. "Yes?" I replied, turning around to make eye contact with him "Happy birthday" he wished me standing up and giving me a kiss on my forehead. "Thanks Texas" I smiled at the teen boy, opening the front door.

When I walked through the door, all eyes were on me, I hated attention, but the way the 6 boys in the living room were looking at me made me happy in a way. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" everyone screamed at me all so suddenly. I was so startled, I stepped back, and fell on my butt onto the porch which would most definitely leave a mark. Everyone laughed at me as Dallas helped me up. "Oh shut up it's my birthday you bums" I scolded the boys. I walked in and sat on the couch next to Pony and laid my head on his shoulder. Darry came over to me and gave me a big hug as he always did when I would come by the house. Pony once told me he was jealous of the relationship me and Darry had, he said it's like I'm more of a real sibling to Darry than he is, little did he know I felt the exact way about him and Steve.

As we arrived back to the Curtis house I look at the time to see that it's now 8:00pm and I have to get dressed to go hang out with Bob. "Guys I have to go get dressed" I announce as I start walking out the door. Everyone knew where I was going and they didn't like that I was actually going to go and to be honest, I didn't like that I was going either. I ran home as fast as I could to get out of my plaid skirt and and matching Jacket and to put on a short red dress that was a bit short but fit my curves really well, a black leather Jacket, with sleek red heels. I straightened my hair to make it more presentable seeing as I had pretty hair, I wanted to showcase it. I put on red lipstick and dark eyeshadow with only a little mascara.

I headed downstairs just as Steve and Sodapop walked through the door. "Hi guys" I said while grabbing a water out of the fridge waiting for 8:45 to come. Steve said hi back while Soda just stood there looking me up and down licking his lips. Did I really look like I deserved to get those looks? I look myself up and down and then came to the conclusion it was just him. "You look beautiful Lili" he says while smirking "You don't look too bad yourself Mr.Movie star." I look at the time and it was 8:44. "I'm leaving now Steve." I had made sure my older brother heard, while walking towards the door. "Be back by 11:00, got it?" He responded, eyes still glued to the Tv screen. "Got it." I complied smirking. Even if I got home late not like he could do anything about it, but I'll still try and make my curfew to prove I'm the more responsible one. I walk down our porch and head for Your house.

As I arrived outside your house I saw you outside sitting as if you were waiting for me. As soon as you saw me your eyes lit up like the stars I looked at every night. I walked over to you and hugged you as if I was waiting to do it for years and never had the courage. We walked to your back yard hand in hand, you looked happier than I've ever seen you. You put your hand in my lap as we put our feet in the cold pool. I played with your fingers while you just gazed at me in awe, but I was simply too dumb to notice.

Next thing you know, we're joking around and out of now where you said something that I didn't even think you were capable of saying to someone, and especially to me. "Hey Lizzy" you blurted out unexpectedly, making sure of be real slow with your words. "Yes Bob?" I looked back up at you with concern, I thought I had did something wrong. "I love you" you confessed to me, you said it so slowly I'm sure you were 100% with yourself and you knew what you were doing. I knew you were serious, but I acted dumb out of fear. "Haha you're funny Bob" I exclaimed quietly not knowing how to confess my feelings. You looked hurt, like I had just took your heart right out of your chest, but you laughed anyways as if you were joking. I knew you weren't.

We sat there for a couple moments silently looking into the water. As I looked over, I saw tears streaming down your cheeks, you were hurt. I pretended as if I didn't see, as if my dumb brain was playing tricks on me, as if something told me that you were ok and that you weren't crying. I wanted to believe myself so bad, that I made a lie up in my head that I didn't hurt you. How could I hurt someone that loved me, or at least said he did.

We both knew things had changed that night we were at your house, your sweet smile you only had when you weren't drunk wasn't bright like it was before you told me those three words. Its messed up how quickly three little words could change the way two or even multiple humans looked at each other, and how it made me realize my feelings for you, and that was even more terrifying.

A/N: this is from an actual fanfic I made and I unpublished it but if you want a part two lemme know ig💀

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