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When I woke up Saturday morning Fred's sweater was placed neatly on the chair beside my bed with a note. 


Wood wants us to the field early, he's gone mental. I hope my sweater keeps you warm, do try your best to not be so stunning today will you? I have to focus today!  And be sure to check out my warm up uniform, I think you'll like it ;)

You're Boyfriend,


I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face, I picked up the deep blue sweater with the large F on it and brought it to my chest. I couldn't wait to wear it. 

I got up and headed to the bathroom to shower and get ready. I wore no makeup, as per usual and kept my hair down to air dry. I threw on some jeans and my sneakers before going to put on the sweater. As I slipped it over my head I couldn't help but inhale Fred's scent, gunpowder and a bit of citrus. It was a comforting smell, it made me feel as though I was getting a hug from Fred himself. The sweater went down to my mid-thigh but I couldn't care less, I grabbed my jean jacket and threw it over top and made my way downstairs. 

I knew Ron would already be in the dining hall and I made my way down to meet him. Eyes flicked to me as people saw me walk past and they were whispering. Do I have something on my face? I subconsciously rubbed my hand over my cheeks to make sure. When I found Ron I sat down quickly, "Is there something on my face?" I asked. 

Ron glanced over before chuckling, "Just a nervous expression." His eyes found the sweater and he smirked, "Ah, I see my brother has given up one of mum's sweaters." 

"Yeah..." I said smiling slightly, "Have you seen Harry? Is he nervous for the first match of the year?" 

Ron shook his head, "No. I only got a glimpse of him as Wood came barging in to our room at 5 am to get him, the git. No consideration for anyone else if they aren't holding a quaffle." I grabbed some toast and began buttering it before taking a bite. "He is a bit intense isn't he?" I mused. 

"Intense? The guy probably sleeps with his quidditch uniform. He's mad!" Ron exclaimed. I began to laugh, that was exactly what Fred had said in his note. Ron watched me as I smiled my way to my next bit of toast, "You really are happy with him aren't you?" 

I brought my eyes to his before smiling softly, "I really am Ron. I know it is weird for you because he is your brother but I just can't help but feel ecstatic whenever I'm near him. But I want you to know, you can still come to me... y'know with anything. My relationship with you is seperate from my relationship with Fred. What you tell me is between me and you and only me and you." I said nudging his shoulder with my own. 

Ron gave me a smile, "I know that. And I am happy to see my best friend happy. I hope you know that. Thanks 'Mione." He surprised me by wrapping me up in a hug which I returned. 

I looked down at my watch, "We should head down if we want to get good seats." I grabbed one more bite of my toast and stood up with Ron. We walked side by side down to the quidditch pitch talking absentmindedly about our next trip to Hogsmeade. 

We found seats in the front and we saw Neville and waved him over. "Hi Neville." I smiled and he sat down beside me. "Hello 'Mione, Ron. Excited for the match?" Him and Ron jumped into a conversation about quidditch that I had no interest in. I found myself looking over to the changing room doors waiting for Gryffindor to come out. I didn't have to wait long because soon the team was bursting out the doors and flying into the air. The roar from the crowd could be heard from all the way up to the castle. 

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