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Hermione POV

I couldn't sleep. I stared at the enchanted ceiling as the clouds moved like they do in the real sky. I heard quiet footsteps and quickly acted as if I were asleep.

"I've done the dungeons, headmaster." It was Snape. "No sign of Black, nor anywhere else in the castle."

"I didn't really expect him to linger." Dumbledore said quietly

"Remarkable feat, don't you think? To enter Hogwarts Castle on one's own... completely undetected?" I could practically hear the sneer in Snape's voice

"Quite remarkable, yes." Dumbledore mused.

"Any theories on how he managed it?"

"Many. Each as unlikely as the next." I heard him sigh.

"You may recall... prior to the start of term I expressed concerns... about your appointment of Professor..." Snape was cut off by Dumbledore.

"Not a single professor inside this castle would help Sirius Black enter it. I'm quite convinced the castle is safe... and I'm more than willing to send the students back to their houses."

"What about Potter?" Snape asked harshly, "Should he be warned?"

My ears perked up at this and my eyes snapped open. Warn Harry about what?

I heard Dumbledore take a trying breath. "Perhaps. But for now, let him sleep. For in dreams, we enter a world that's entirely our own. Let them swim in the deepest ocean or glide over the highest cloud."

What are they hiding from Harry? For goodness sake he deserves to know whatever it is surely!

I decided I would tell Harry of what I heard first thing in the morning. Maybe he could ask Dumbledore himself.


The morning came quicker than I would've liked. We were allowed back to our dormitories and I quickly caught up with Harry and Ron. "Harry," I began. "I have to tell you what I heard last night. From Snape and Dumbledore."

"I already know. I heard it too." He said glumly. "Oh. Do you know what you're going to do about it?" I asked hesitantly.

Harry shook his head, "Not a clue. I suppose they'll tell me eventually. Whatever it is."

"That's bloody mad!" Ron exclaimed. "How can they keep something from you. They can't make the decision for you! You have a right to know."

"I agree Harry... maybe you should ask Professor Dumbledore." I agreed.

"Look, I trust Dumbledore. He will tell me when he thinks I'm ready. I know it." Harry said reassuringly.

I decided to let it go as we reached the portrait to get into our common room.

Oh my god. I forgot why I couldn't sleep last night.

When we got through I met eyes with the twins who were both whispering to each other excitedly. I blushed heavily and quickly made my way up the stairs to my dormitory to change and get ready for the days classes.

The events of the night came rushing back. Fred Weasley asked me out on a date. Holy hell.

I quickly changed into my robes and grabbed my books. Besides, he was probably kidding when he said date.

I hastily made my way down to wait for Ron and Harry. Ron came down first and sat at the couches.
"What Professor do you think Snape was talking about?" He asked

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