Part 2

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Warning: Slight yandere-ish

Todoroki's eyes narrowed into slits, anger readable in his mismatched eyes as he continued to glare at his father. The indecency that the King had was unbearable. He disregarded Touya, Natsuo, and Fuyumi's presence along with their mothers as he continued to shoot nasty looks at his father, for the first time wishing for looks to actually kill.

Midoriya sweatdropped, flashing worrisome smiles toward the rest of the family members on behalf of the young prince. Touya was smirking, enjoying the stunt that his younger brother was pulling, Natsuo was continuously looking between his father and Shouto, all the while Fuyumi was gushing over how romantic the situation was as her younger sibling was jealously glaring at their father that was now talking with you in the garden.

"Mother" Shouto sneered lowly. The Queen hummed, signaling him that he had all her attention. She took notice of how his fists tightened, nails digging into his skin while drawing a thin layer of blood.

"Don't you think that Father is being too friendly with my-our guest?" the word slip was soon corrected, but it didn't go unnoticed. Midoriya widened his eyes, hands, and legs trembling slowly turning into stone while The Queen sighed, thinking that her son was slowly losing his mind. She looked over at her husband, not understanding Shouto's concern as both of them were at a reasonable distance. She titled her head to the side and then shifted her gaze on her son once again.

"I don't think so, my dear..." she said, more like whispered. Shouto was ready to intervene when he noticed his father's hand going to touch the small of your back, probably to guide you through their garden and show off some more, but your knights were faster, especially the blonde one, that gently touched your elbow and pulled your body closer to them, putting distance between you and the King.

"I'm truly sorry for this, my King, they are overly protective sometimes!" she said, chuckling a bit at Bakugou's antics. The latter turned his head to the side, hiding away the redness that took over his face while Kirishima rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment. The King nodded, not really bothered by their actions, more intrigued and astonished by the loyalty of your knights. Then, he turned around to call over his family but his eyes bulged out of their sockets when he saw his younger son reaching for his sword. Fortunately, Midoriya was faster at stopping the prince, bowing countless times toward the King.

Endeavor began to sweat. What, in the name of All Mighty Might was wrong with his son? Noticing how the King was looking somewhere else with a dumbfounded expression on his face, you turned around curiously. Bakugou and Kirishima soon doing the same. You tilted your head at the nervous smiles that you received from the rest of the Todoroki family, eyes soon plastering on the younger prince who was nonchalantly looking at his nails. You smiled, bowing your head toward them before looking back at the King, which was still watching his son with wide eyes and mouth agape.

"Oi, Y/n, you really think it's alright to make this shitty...thing unite with the empire? To me, they just look like a bunch of losers" Bakugou whispered in your ear, gaining an elbow into his ribs by Kirishima.

"How many times do I have to tell you to call her 'Your Highness'? Even My Lady is better than being so impolite!" Kirishima pulled his ear slightly, gaining a painful whimper from the other knight. Bakugou growled in annoyance.

"It's alright, really. Call me however you want, I don't mind!" you said, shrugging while smiling softly at the two.  Kirishima shot another glare at Bakugou before straightening his back.

"Empress Y/n, I think it's time for us to eat. Shall we go to our dining room?" Endeavour asked, extending his arm for you to take. You cordially accepted and let the King guide you through the palace. It was not the time to question his son's actions, he will talk to him later.

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