"What?" Izuku asked. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Shoto did look away then, cheeks flushed. "Nothing. It's just...you look so happy. I haven't seen you look this at ease in a while It's nice. When you smile your eyes get all bright and it's um, it's really pretty."

It was Izuku's turn to blush. "Thanks Sho...you're really pretty too." 

Tsu's head swiveled around and she narrowed her eyes at the two, sensing the sudden shift in mood. That girl was too observant for her own good. 

"And so are you Tsu!" Izuku added quickly. Totally saved it. He mentally high fived himself. He wasn't sure what was happening between him and Shoto himself, he couldn't possibly explain it to Tsu. 

"You know Izuku. You should consider letting me be in charge of decorating the room. No offense but superhero posters and merch might not be the best choice." Tsu said. Her change in subject was obvious but Izuku was more than happy to go with it, once again grateful for her ability to understand what he needed. 

He looked around the room, trying to imagine it decorated like the one in his old apartment. It did feel a little off to have this room be the same one as his last. This was supposed to be about a new chapter in his life right? Maybe he needed to disconnect himself from the past in order to make the transition go more smoothly. He looked over to see what Shoto thought of the idea. Shoto nodded right away, maybe sensing Izuku's inner conflict.

"You should let her. She probably has the best taste out of the three of us."

Izuku shrugged as he turned his attention back to Tsu. "Alright. I guess that settles it. Go crazy."

They constructed a plan. Two people would have to assemble new furniture while the other one decorated until they got tired and wanted to trade. Luckily Shoto had thought ahead and already gotten a box full of knick-knacks and old decorations they could possibly use. 

"Izuku and I can assemble the chair to start out with." Shoto offered. 

All three of them jumped when they heard a new voice from the doorway. 

"I don't have patrol until tonight. I'll help. Why don't Todoroki and I go assemble the chair in the living room while you and Tsu get started in here."

How long has he been standing there?! It's like he just appears out of thin air! It probably also wasn't good that he now wanted to be alone with Shoto. The glint in his eyes is not a friendly one. "Are you sure Mr.Aizawa?" Izuku asked, crossing his fingers that Aizawa would change his mind.

"Yes. Todoroki grab that box and follow me."

Shoto looked over to Izuku helplessly before following their teacher out of the room. This wouldn't end well. Worry was already twisting its way into Izuku's gut. 

"Wow. He is really going into 'protective dad mode'", Tsu remarked. She tapped one finger on her chin. "He's probably giving Shoto the 'don't hurt my kid or else' talk right as we speak.

Izuku buried his face in his hands at the speculation. Did life just purposely like to put him in these embarrassing situations? Was some divine spirit laughing at him right now? He tried to half-heartedly reject her theory. "We don't know that. Why would Mr.Aizawa feel the need to have that talk with Shoto? Even if he were interested in me."

Tsu sent him a bland look and help up two webbed fingers. "Two things. One- we both know Shoto likes you so don't even try to pull that card with me. Two-all the teachers are protective of you. I overheard Ms.Midnight talking about you to the other teachers last week. They call you sunshine child. Mr.Aizawa probably thinks you're too innocent and pure to be dating anyone even if it's someone as respectful as Shoto."

"You can't be serious. Sunshine child?" Izuku groaned. 

"Well I mean...you do give off major puppy dog vibes Izuku. I don't know what to tell you."

Izuku just groaned even louder. "Can we just start decorating? I don't feel like arguing with you over what 'vibes' I give off." Izuku complained. 

"Whatever sunshine child wants." Tsu teased.

They decorated in somewhat peace, only being interrupted when Tsu directed Izuku. Thankfully it only took ten minutes before Shoto returned to them, although, his face looked unusually red.

"Are you okay?" Izuku asked. He was tempted to press further and ask what he and Aizawa had talked about it but decided against it when he saw the tired expression on the other's face. His face looked worn like he had just returned from a taxing battle. Maybe I should have tried harder to stop them from talking. Izuku thought to himself.

"I'm fine. How are you two doing?"

Tsu surveyed the room. "Well it is coming along but I think we're missing lights. Didn't we have some back at the dorms?" She asked.

"I could go get them." Izuku offered. 

"No, that's okay. You keep decorating I'll be right back." Tsu slipped out of the room quickly. When she wanted something done apparently she was determined to have it done right. 

Izuku quickly became very aware of the space between them when it was only Shoto in the room with him. Tsu's words ran through his mind. Shoto really liked him.

"I hope Mr.Aizawa wasn't saying anything too weird to you. I guess he's more protective than I thought," said Izuku. He had to stop himself from pulling at his sleeves in nervousness.

Shoto stepped closer. The air between them seemed to buzz. 

"Nothing I wasn't already expecting," Shoto replied smoothly. The answer was cryptic but Izuku could basically confirm Tsu's theory that he had been given the talk. Great.

Izuku took another step closer, unable to resist the pull between them. "In any case, I'm sorry for all that."

The air between them thinned and Izuku felt light-headed at the proximity. Shoto was now close enough to where he could very easily close the distance. Izuku's gaze jumped to Shoto's lips and back up to his eyes. Was he thinking the same thing Izuku was? 

It was then Shoto did close the distance. His head titled ever so slightly as he moved in close, stealing the air from Izuku as he swooped down. 

The sound of someone clearing their throat had Izuku jumping back from his almost kiss. He stumbled away from Shoto as he saw Aizawa leaning against the doorframe. 

Well, this was the most humiliating moment in his entire existence. 


Hi! I've really just projected my entire personality onto Izuku bahaha. Anyway, I hope you all liked this chapter. The next chapter is one of my favorites, I can't wait to share it with you guys. I also can't wait to get more into the drama with Inko...much more to come!

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