(93) TMotDS: Should I Give Him Away or Feel This Bad?

Start from the beginning

Maybe he was desperate at that time as well-

The door to his office was suddenly being opened and Azul quickly closed his book. Slightly frowning when a familiar ginger-head walked in with a tray in his hand. "I got your tea."

The corner of Azul's eye twitched but he kept smiling. "Why thank you, Trappola. Though I would appreciate it more if you knock on the door first."

Ace just rolled his head as he closed the door and walked toward the table. He put the cup and its saucer in front of Azul and the boss took a small sip. His brow furrowed. "How long did you brew this?"

Ace shrugged. "I don't know."

Azul sighed as he put down the cup. "I don't like this unprofessionalism. I told you to brew this for six and a half minutes."

Ace veins popped. He was holding himself back from smacking the prefect with his tray, but he knew he couldn't fight back without getting his anemones pulled. "Then why don't you brew it on your own?!"

Azul clicked his tongue. "You poor anemones." He stood up and picked up his book. Ace saw Azul took out a key from his pocket and inserted it into the keyhole of the giant save behind them. They could hear the sound of the safe turning and opening up. Ace stepped out of the way, standing behind the door while Azul stood in front of the safe filled with golden papers. The key was still stuck on the keyhole. Ace knew it was risky, but this might be his only chance. He just couldn't sit there and wait like a damsel in distress knowing what the captain is risking his freedom for them.

He quickly pulled the key from the keyhole and shoved it into his pocket, trying to make as little sound as possible over Azul's talks. "I understand that this is tough for you. But you need to learn."

Azul put his book into the safe, tucked between the contracts. He reached for the door and closed it. He paused of a second there before giving Ace a sideways glance. "Your captain is doing his best here. Why can't you?"

Ace growled at him. "He's not supposed to get involved in this mess." He stepped forward, glaring at him. "You said it yourself that you would rather have him out of your business!"

"Your captain is a nosy little brat. Sticking his nose in other people's problems," Azul responded, voice deep, not afraid of this small fry.

But Ace didn't back down. "If you know that making deal with us would bring Jonah into this sooner or later, why do you still do it?"

Azul suddenly picked up his magical pen and shoved it to Ace's neck, the gem glowing threateningly. "I do not like it if my anemones are questioning the way I run my business." Using the end of the pen, he lifted Ace's chin. The freshman could see the dangerous glint in Azul's eyes and he was sure that if Azul wanted to, he would blast him right now.

But Azul lowered his pen despite that he was still glaring at him, but Ace couldn't help but let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. "Now," Azul stated. "Be a good guppy and leave this room or else I'll give Argentum more trouble than before."

Ace glared at him, but he knew he lost this time. The ginger-head turned around and headed to the door before Azul once again called, "Trappola."

Ace stopped his track but didn't turn around. Azul walked toward him. "My key."

Ace shoved his hand into his pocket, gripping the key tightly. Azul noticed the way Ace's lips move but no voice came out from his mouth. He cleared his throat. "I'm waiting."

Ace finally sighed. "Right." He turned around and dropped the key into Azul's waiting palm. Without waiting for any order, Ace walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. Azul looked at the key in his hand, then to the door. He should add more protection to the safe. Just for safety precautions.

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