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551 13 16

by zcndayas

— completed or on-going?: on-going

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completed or on-going?: on-going

genre: fanfiction
universe: enola holmes

short summary:
"leon, a. holmes was a good detective. apparently good enough to find a lost lord while on the hunt for his mother, all the while hiding from his brothers."

(and of course, a little quote from the smol bean himself, leon:)

"i have been called leon, a. for sixteen years and i still have no clue what the A actually stands for!"

reader's notes:

  this is probably the most recent thing i've gotten into, and I LOVE IT!

•  the characterisation of leon, a. holmes is so interesting. right off the bat, as a reader i was super interested as to why his name was punctuated the way it was and i was hooked from there (also the way it ALSO spells "alone" if re-arranged? GENIUS. i felt so dumb because it took so long for it to click in my head lmao — but that's a me problem, my brain just lags like a dell computer).

• georgie has clearly thought a lot about his backstory and it shows in her writing! i also like how leon doesn't feel like a shadow to enola or vice versa, which can happen easily when you write an OC as a sibling to a canon character. enola and leon complement each other perfectly!

•  this book is also incredibly witty — and pulls it off flawlessly. comedy is hard to nail, but i was genuinely giggling/chuckling out loud at numerous parts when reading certain scenes. it flows super naturally and feels authentic in the jokes. there is also a perfect balance between lightheartedness and serious moments, neither side is too heavy or too lacking. it also makes a change from all the (amazing but) melancholy and dramatic hunger games fics i read a lot of, so it's a very welcoming addition to brighten up my library...

• there are only three chapters as of when i'm posting this. we've barely scratched the surface, so i'm thrilled to see what else is in store for leon and the gang!

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