Chapter 2

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(If you got a notification saying I updated this it's bc I took out the embarrassing part bc YALL wouldn't stop HARASSING me about it)

"(Y/n) and Missy Moreno? You'll need to come with us".

3rd POV

The sisters were walking with a woman "So, I'm miss Granada, director of the Heroics program. You will be staying in our underground stronghold where the children of superheroes are kept safe while their parents fight enemy forces. We can't afford to have even one of you fall in to enemy hands. This way" Missy kept talking about the promise their dad made, they stopped in front of a vault like door "Yes, well you know what they say about promises?". "That you should always keep them or you're a big fat liar who can never be trusted again?" Miss Granada leaned down to her height and asked "Are you going to be a problem, Missy?" Missy shook her head as (Y/n) laughed because she put Missy in her place 'I like this lady' She said to herself . A guard opened the door to the room and they walked in, there were a bunch of kids. (Y/n) looked at the back corner and saw a boy with brown hair, She looked at him and when he saw her looking he scoffed and rolled his eyes. She blushed in embarrassment. "Everyone..." all the kids turned to us "This is (Y/n) and Missy, they will be joining you today. Girls I'd appreciate it if you would take a seat right there" she pointed to an empty table at the front they sat down "And quietly continue your studies along with the other children" she added quickly, "Children... thank you all for respecting my rules. Your parents will be very proud when I tell them if your exceptional behavior. Well done" she walked out of the room.

When the door shut a curly headed boy behind the girls stretched his neck to the door and after a couple of seconds he whispered "Shes gone!" and all of the kids cheered except for the sisters. The boy from earlier threw papers in the air as chaos happened around them, Missy's mouth hung open. A water paper airplane glided in front of the sisters, they watched a little girl snatch it and turn it into a blob. A blonde boy in a wheelchair came up next to (Y/n) and said "Hey, I'm Wheels. Yes, they call me that on account of the wheelchair. It's a little on the nose, but I like it because it's cool" Missy looked at him as (Y/n) said "Nice to meet you" they shook hands before he said "You probably think I'm in the chair cause my legs are week, but its the opposite. My muscles are so strong that my bones can't support 'em. But lucky for me, my brains the same way. It's supercharged, so I'm good". 'Man this kid takes a lot' (Y/n) said to herself .

Your POV

The curly headed boy stretched his head over to us and asked "So, Wheels, who are your new friends?", "Missy and (Y/n), this is Noodles. We call him that because, well..." he stretched the rest of his body to us and rested his hands on his knees "He stretches and twists around like a noodle?" continued Missy "Yeah, basically" said Noodles. "And that's Ojo. Her power is she's a genius drawer. Like Van Gogh mixed with Monet with just a sprinkle of Salvador Dali." Said wheels. Missy got up and asked Ojo if she could see her drawing, she scrolled through some of the drawings before Wheels said "Nothing she draws makes an ounce of sense". Missy asked her a question "Oh, she won't answer" said Noodles "She only speaks through her drawings". A girl approached us singing "Don't speak I know just what you're sayin". "No you don't. You have no clue what she's saying" argued Noodles, I chuckled 'these people are crazy'
"And this is A Capella" "It me". "I looked up at her "That's your superpower? You can sing?" "Yep, but I have an unusual range. I can go low... or I can go high! I can even go really...", "I don't hear anything" said Missy "it's beyond human hearing" explained A Cappela. Miss Granada came over the intercom "Miss A Capella Vox, would you please refrain from using your high voice. Every dog in the neighborhood has surrounded our building." The group erupted into light laughter. "And she can sing so low that she can move objects. Show her how you make things float!"exclaimed Wheels, A Capella sang really low and had her hands out at her sides and a bunch of chairs floated. A kid climbed the chairs and flexed his 'muscles' before jumping off onto a table, A Capella let the chairs fall. "All righty, let's see who's left" Wheels said as me and Missy followed him.

"That's Blinding Fast's kid, Slo-Mo" he pointed to a boy running super slow to his seat with a bucket of popcorn, "He's vitally moving very fast, but somehow, his powers have him stuck in a time warp." Missy and I waved to him as he waved back said hi and saluted very slowly. Wheels continued "That kid over there... is facemaker" it looks like there making a bet with candy "He makes the craziest faces" then his eyes switched places! He switched his face to look liked Noodles' face, after switching it back Noodles went on about how he was cheating. He made his hand grow before smashing the table, my eyes widened "Oh, dude! Rewind, clean up on isle two." A boy came up as Wheels said "Thats Rewind. He can rewind time but just a few seconds". A Capella and Rewind moved the table as Facemaker put an exercise ball in its place, when it was smashed he flew back but caught him self on a climbing rope. "They're twins. It's crazy, right?" "What twins? What are you talking about?" I asked confused, Wheels rolled his eyes "Fast forward, are you at it again?" A girl came up to us "You were taking so long, I skipped you forward a bit. Sorry, not sorry.", "She and rewind are twins. Opposite powers." Rewind came and stood next to his sister. "The only thing they agree on is that they don't like each other". "At all" said the twins in sync "They're twins. It's crazy, right?"

     We made our way to the boy I saw earlier, I was getting nervous and my heart was racing. "And then, there's our fearless leader, Wildcard." I bit my lip and repeated his name in my head. "There's not a power in the world he doesn't have" Wildcard smirked and said "True" Facemaker put his hand on Wildcard's shoulder "Sure, he has every power imaginable, but since he can't focus his energy, they show up randomly". Facemaker walked off and Wildcards smirk faded "Also true... until now that is. He looked at the book in front of him raised his hands and yelled "Teleport!" The book bounced and caught on fire. He jumped in his seat and fell backwards, I let out a small laugh as he sat up and glared at me. I stopped laughing and smiling looking toward the fire truck made of water hovering over the book.

Wildcard's POV

Wheels came up to me with the girls from earlier, I saw the girl that had (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes. She's beautiful... wait! Wildcard no you can't like her she just got here and she's definitely annoying. I tried teleporting the book but it caught on fire and I fell backwards, I heard a laugh and when I looked at who it was... It was (Y/n)!

Your POV

     I turned to see a little girl controlling it "And last, but definitely not least, Guppy" I smiled and asked her "How are you making that?". She worked the fire truck around my head "My mommy is Lavagirl, but my daddy is Sharkboy. So instead of lava, I move water." She led the truck back to the book and let it fall extinguishing the fire. "I need hydration for my powers to work" she took a drink from her water bottle before spiting it out and recreating the scene from JAWS. "That's really cool" said Missy, Guppy giggled and thanked her. "So, new girls, what're your superpowers?" Wildcard asked walking up to us crossing his arms. Missy tried explaining the whole powers situation, "Wait a second. I remember you. You're Marcus Moreno's kid." Said Facemaker she explained how we have been 'chillin' with the normal kids, I rolled my eyes. "Why would they put girls with superpowers in with the normal kids?" Asked Wildcard "Oh. I get it. You guys don't have any superpowers.". I snapped "Well it's not our fault we don't have powers now is it? Yea I don't think so but. If we did I bet we could control them better than you ever could. So shut your mouth." I sat back in my seat with Missy following me "Whatever, can we put on the TV? I wanna see if there's any news on our parents".

Hey guys hope you enjoyed this chapter. It felt like I took me forever to write this 😆

Chapter finished 6:16 PM January 16, 2021

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