"I know but I still get jealous. Especially now since I'm not there to keep them off of you." I started laughing.

"Your cousin is doing a great job at that."

"I'd have to call her and thank her." She said before she held her hand up to her mouth and yawned.

"Are you tired?" She nodded her head yes.

"Yeah I got up early this morning."

You should rest baby. I gotta make my smoothie and work out a little before the game anyways."

"Alright babe. Remember to call me and tell me how the game went."

"I will. I love you."

"I love you too." She said before we ended the call. I got up from the bed and went downstairs to the kitchen. While I was blending my smoothie I sent Ali some money through Cash App. I know that whenever she sees the amount she'll call me complaining that I shouldn't have sent that much but whatever. I had two hours before the game, so I walked inside the garage and started running on the treadmill. Twenty minutes in my phone rang, I stopped the treadmill, turned the music down and grabbed my phone off of the chair.

"Yeah Han." I said while trying to catch my breath.

"What are you doing? Why are you out of breath?" I laughed a little.

"If you must know I was running on the treadmill. Something I do before every game."

"Oh okay. Well I've been knocking on the door for ten minutes."

"Come to the garage door." I hung up the phone and opened the garage door right before Hanna walked up it. She walked in and looked around then put her hand on her chest.

"Thank God you were just working out."

"What did you think I was doing?"

"Having sex." I scoffed.

"Ali's not here."

"I'm not talking about Ali." I threw my head back and rolled my eyes.

"Oh my God. What is it with you three? There is nothing going on with Maya and I. We hang out, that's it. I don't like her in that way and she doesn't like me in that way."

"So you think. She practically undresses you with her eyes whenever she sees you. Trust me, she likes you in that way. She's just not making it known right now." I shook my head and rolled my eyes.

"Whatever, are you coming to my game?" She smiled.

"Of course. I wouldn't miss it. Spencer and Aria will be there too."

"That's nice." I said as I smiled. I can't believe they're all coming.

"Yeah we have to step in for Ali. You know all the cheering she used to do when you were playing." I smiled.

"I remember how she almost got removed from the gym cause she kept yelling at the refs when I was getting fouled." Hanna laughed.

"Yeah I remember that." I looked at the time and picked up my bottle with the remainder of my smoothie in it before grabbing my phone.

"Want to stay here while I take a shower? It's almost time for the game. " She shrugged her shoulders.

"Sure." She said as she walked into the house. " I followed her and went upstairs to shower.

Once I was done with my shower I got dressed in my uniform and put the warm ups over it before picking out a pair of Kobe's from my closet to wear in the game. When I came downstairs, Hanna stood up from the couch.

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