Will it stay there ?

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Still with me ?

Ready for something really long ? I'm sorry and happy for you in advance ;)

I'm too much of an avid reader myself to like to make people wait for too long once they started. Well, except for that one story with a cat and a Arthit ... (shameless advertising lol) but I won't do that here. Thid is the next and last part of this small story

So without further ado, enjoy the second part of this VeeMark one-shotish.


Walking through my new office with rapid steps, I hastily bow to everyone I see on my way. It hasn't been a week and I am already late for the first meeting.

Flinching at the slight discomfort I feel from my back, I stubbornly quicken my steps.

I'm going to meet some of the most prominent shareholders in my father's company. I don't need to leave them with a bad impression. They already know I come with a golden spoon from the start. No matter what, I will have to prove my worth to a selection of very competitive and money hungry people who have more experience on the field than me.

Grumbling in my nonexistent beard, I curse my stubborn dad.

Why can't he let me begin from the lowest position and climb up from there ? Okay, I have an extended number of diplomas and all, but as far as I know, it won't help me in the war zone that is the workforce.

Damn. I feel like an impostor.

Stopping abruptly on my heels in front of the door made of glass, I take two deep breaths and tap my fingers lightly on it to alert my assistant of my arrival. I can see him briskly stealing glance at the huge table.

Spoting me out, he then releases a relieved sigh before standing confidently, announcing my name to the whole group of hungry sharks waiting for me.


It took them four hours to finally decide that I was worth the trial.

Questions, interrogations and never ending doubts were thrown at me in an endless examination of my capacities. Did I mention that they are money hungry ? Yeah ? So no surprise that they insisted on putting more pressure on me about results and profits.

Those idiots, this is my father's company, not a playground.

Sighing, I let myself slump down in my office chair. I know that the fact that I have no practical experience to back me up is what they have against me. But I didn't study for years for no reason either. I do hope I have convinced them enough to let me enough time to implement the changes the company needs to grow further.

Administration wise, I'm on the top of my game here. I already know most projects. The difficult part for me will be and has always been communication. Convincing shareholders is one thing. Talking to Team Managers and all that hierarchy is another obstacle that I will have to struggle with. And that's not even speaking of the hundreds or so employees that will have their eyes on me, judge me and probably criticise my work.

What did I do to deserve all that again ?

Ah yeah, I'm born with it. Damn it !

I love my parents and my life but it comes with a price that I'm not always up to shoulder.

Ok, I need to stop this train of thoughts. I might be an introvert but not some kind of brooding teenager who doesn't fit in his skin.

Go go me ! I will succeed and show them all that I am worth becoming their CEO.

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