Chapter Two

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It's the first proper day of having a cell mate and I was beginning to love it already. We had used a piece of charcoal I'd snuck into the cell to draw with, to play catch and although it was making our hands black we loved it. Suddenly the door lock slides open and I see the sound makes Octavia shiver. "O?" A male voice said, as he walked in I could see that it was Bellamy Blake, 'the king of the guard.' Octavia runs and jumps into his arms and it takes a minuet for it to sink in but then I ask "how did you get in here?" Octavia looks at me and smiles "we're kinda in the middle of a family reunion here." She winks at me and I laugh slightly. "Your cell buddy here has a point." Bellamy says releasing Octavia from there hug, "your friend here gets a personal guard, and I'm that personal guard" he says smiling at me, I knew he had set this up so he could spend more time with Octavia and I was not going to be the one to get in the way of that, "ah well I'd love to stand here and chat all day but I think I'll go over there and start on my drawings." I said and walked to the other side of the cell.

I couldn't help but thank Clarke when she walked to the opposite side of the cell, she knew who I was so I guess O trusted her enough to tell her everything.
"How's mum?" O asks and that's when I realised no one bothered to tell her that her mother has been floated, I didn't know what to say and all that came out of my mouth was "uhhh..." I guess Miss Griffin heard because she came over and hugged O. "Octavia your mother would have been... Floated.." She says slowly and quietly so it would sink in to O's head. All I could do is stare at Clarke, this was the second time she'd helped me out in the passed 5 minuets. She looks at me for about a second then walks back to the other side of the cell and continues her drawing.
Octavia stood there in silence for what felt like forever, she finally speaks but not to me. "Thank you Clarke, for telling me and saving me and just being there since I've got in here." Wait.. For saving her? "What do you mean saving you?!" At this point Clarke had walked back over to us and the two girls began to explain, after they did Clarke added something to it
"oh I forgot to tell you this but I got out of the shower before you and caught Shumway looking through your shower curtain, I stopped him and that's why he turned our lights out early." This girl didn't even know Octavia and yet she was still risking a lot by helping her.

When Clarke told me about the showers I felt like being sick, knowing that some old guy was watching me was just weird. "Hey Octavia, my mother has been begging me to let her get me out of this prison, because she's so high up on the Ark she can do it, no questions asked. I could get you out of here as well." I felt nothing but joy and excitement, being out in the Ark, free to go where ever I want. "Yes please do oh my god thankyou so much, I love you!" I say, over excited. "Clarke you would really do that for O?!" Bellamy asks, Clarke looks down and smiles, "Octavia doesn't belong in here, I do. But if me getting out of here means Octavia getting out of here then I would do it." I can't believe Clarke, it's my first day and I'll already be out, "how long till visiting?" I ask Bellamy, "well, it's Monday today and visiting day is on Saturday so six days." Okay, that's good. Six days with Clarke and Bellamy, I hug Clarke again, "Octavia if you hug me any tighter you'll break a rib." Clarke says and I let go of her, Bellamy laughs. He must be so happy that Clarke is going to do this, plus we get six days together as well.

I know that I can get Octavia out of here and even though I deserve to be in here, Octavia does not and I'm going to make sure she gets out of here. "So Clarke what do you mean you deserve to be in here? I've read your file, all you done is get into a fight with someone." Bellamy asks and I guess I should tell them both the hole story. "You guys should sit down if I'm going to tell you why I'm in here." I say and they both sit on the beds, "A year ago, I was a privileged child, a child who could get anything she wanted, but the one thing I wanted was to give up my food and clothes, anything to help the less fortunate really, and I did.. No one else knew I wasn't eating because of course if they did then I'd be locked up for a hole different reason. But anyway, I'd just given my food rations to a little 12 year old girl named Charlotte, she was walking down the hall in front of me when some girls my age started to push her about and try to take the food I'd given her, I went over to try and reason with them but one of them hit me so I thought fuck it, I beat the shit into everyone of them.. It was easy because they were pulling my hair and scratching me whereas I just punched each of them in the face. The guard caught me but not before I got Charlotte her food back and made sure she didn't get caught herself." They both sat there, gobsmacked. I wasn't sure why though, it's not like it's a big surprise to see me, Clarke Griffin in a fight, a fight that I won. "What?" I ask they they sit there with there mouths wide open. "Oh nothing princess, just you don't look like the fighting type, that's all." Bellamy says "I don't look like the princess type either." I say and grin at him.

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