Age Difference Between Your Kids and if They Get Along

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Happy Saturday lovelies!! I'm sorry I skipped a week of updating. It was my last weekend at home before moving back to campus so I wanted to spend as much time with my family as possible. But now I'm back on campus and should be back to updating weekly again. Unless I have a big project, paper, or test that I would need to study for. I hope you are all having an amazing weekend.

Also.....WHAT ABOUT THAT NEW WHY DON'T WE ALBUM?!!!! I absolutely LOVE it! It's so hard for me to pick a favorite because I love them all for different reasons. But if you told me I had to choose or the world would end...I think I would pick Grey. It's just so pretty and they sound amazing. And of course, it makes me cry. If you haven't listened to it yet.....GO LISTEN TO IT NOW!!!! And if you have listened to it already...let me know what your favorite is!!

Love and appreciate you all always.

xoxo Nikole

Jade was 2 years and 5 months older than Hardin when he was born. Jade is in love with Hardin but she gets a little jealous when he gets more attention.

Jada was almost 5 when Jayden was born. Jada loves having a little brother. She helps out a lot with him and they play together all the time.

Aiden was around 5 years and 8 months old when Julia was born. The two get along better than you and Reggie ever expected. He protects his sister all the time and is teaching her a lot. 

Hadley and Hadi had turned 3 just 2 months before Holden was born. Hadley has not really gotten along with him and throws fits when Aryia has to take care of him instead of playing with her. Hadi on the other hand absolutely loves Holden. She helps any chance she gets and she has even scolded Hadley a few times when she hits Holden for taking one of her toys.

Dirks was 1 year and 10 months old when Zeek was born. The two of them are best friends.

Kody was 3 when Kara was born. Kody absolutely adores his little sister. But Kara isn't so sure about him yet.

Crosby had turned 3 about 4 months before Ginna and Jenean were born. He adores his sisters and is fascinated by them. They are just as fascinated by him and laugh at anything he does. It didn't take them long to figure out they can crawl after him as he runs around the house.

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