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April 10th, 1944

The Great Hall was abuzz with laughter and conversation on the first morning back at Hogwarts after Easter break.

Lina thoughtfully moved her fork around her untouched plate of breakfast, her chin perched lazily on top of her palm. Next to her, Eden was chatting happily away about her family's weekend trip to Greece and detailing all the cute boys she had met when she snuck out at night into town. Lina tried to show as much polite interest as possible, but she was horribly distracted. Her eyes kept drifting from Eden's smiling face to the other side of the room.

Tom Riddle was remarkably absent from the Slytherin table. His "friends" were there, though, talking amongst themselves and laughing. For as long as Lina could remember, Tom had surrounded himself with exclusively Slytherin boys from rich, elite families, who hung on his every word and did whatever he wished. Abraxas Malfoy and her suddenly made direct eye contact. His beady green eyes narrowed and his face crumpled with an expression of displeasure and annoyance. Lina quickly looked away, embarrassed that she had been caught staring.

She chewed on her bottom lip, lost in thought. The replica of the book from Landon's library sat at the bottom of her schoolbag.

Where was he?

She felt like she was doing something wrong; she wanted to just give Tom his bloody book and pretend this never happened. The guilt was beginning to make her feel sick to her stomach. The last time she "stole" from Landon was when she was 5 years old; and it was a toy broomstick, not a forbidden book from his private collection. She felt terrible.


Eden's voice quickly shook her from her thoughts. She looked up.


"Merlin, what is with you? You've been out of it all morning." Eden huffed.

"I'm sorry." Lina apologized. "I'm just...tired."

"Cut the rubbish, Lina. That stuff might fool Sam but it won't fool me. I've known you since we were in diapers. I know when you're lying." She scolded.

Lina looked down, refusing to meet her best friend's disapproving gaze.

" going to tell me what's been bothering you?" Eden continued. It was quiet. "Lina, I'm your best friend. You know you can tell me anything." A pale skinny hand reached out and folded itself in Lina's, comforting and warm.

She took a shaky, deep breath. It was silent. She decided to cave.

"I met Tom Riddle one night back before break, when I was patrolling after curfew. We bumped into each other in the corridor, and...we talked a little."

Eden's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Tom Riddle and you...talked?"

Lina nodded, biting her lip. "Um, I suppose that isn't too odd; you're both Prefects, after all." Eden looked perplexed. "Well, what did you talk about?"

"Well, he walked me back to the Common Room. We spoke about my father-" Eden's face began to crumple in annoyance at this, "Oh, don't worry. It was nothing bad...he didn't insult Papa or anything. He was very polite." Lina quickly explained. Eden's expression softened. She seemed grateful she didn't have to go tell another person off for slandering or belittling her best friend's family members. Or, maybe she was just thankful she didn't have to go and confront and defend Lina to somebody as intimidating and imposing as Tom Riddle.

Lina continued. "When we got down to the kitchens..." she trailed off. "Oh, it seems silly when I say it out loud, and not important at all. He just kissed my hand and told me he looked forward to seeing me again, and I guess it just...threw me off a bit. Maybe I'm just overreacting."

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