ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 1

Începe de la început


You guys were just messing around before you saw him.

Michael and his Friends.

It was awkward seeing him because You guys ended your friendship long ago because of him bullying other people, including his brother. 

"Hey guys! Look! It's the Loser!"  

The Freddy mask yelled out. Everyone laughed except for Michael. He was quiet the entire time. 

"GO GET A LIFE FRED" Miyoko yelled as she stood up for you. 

"YOU BIT-" He was Stopped By Michael before he could finish what he was saying. (Michael The hero)

"Calm down, Fred. Let them go." Michael said. 

"Fine.." He said in an Annoyed tone.

"Cmon Y/N, Let's go." Miyoko said. 

You nodded and walked away with her.


9:25 am.


It was only you alone. You were walking down the halls. When you overheard the conversation of Michael and his Friend. 


Michael Pov


"Michael, C'mon man!" Mark said. 

"Mark, It's been almost 6 months before we saw each other." I said.

"You really wanna become friends with them again. Then just go for it!"

"Mark, I can't. They'll probably not trust me." I said.

"Ok then.." Mark said.


Y/N Pov


"He misses me..?"



(Absolute Pain making this, but I hoped you enjoyed this shit 🤠)

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