Nature Spirit

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"Why not? Is it because I'm a girl?"

Aslan refused to tell me what was troubling him when I asked and no matter what I tried he always brought it back to, "How is Peter?". 

Eventually, I gave up and said goodnight. But when I woke up the world seemed to have shifted and I knew something was wrong. In front of me stood a figure of a woman made in flower petals. 

I sat up knowing what she was. Nature spirit. 

"Hello, princess." She bowed. Princess. That was new. "I bring grave news from Susan and Lucy." I sat up in my bed and raised an eyebrow. "Aslan has sacrificed himself. I'm sorry to inform you but he is gone." The world twisted around me as I became dizzy. The form of flowers collapsed and the wind carried the petals out of the tent. Tears glossed over my eyes. I clenched my eyes shut and tears spilled out, moistening the fabric of my nightdress. 

Aslan... that's what was worrying the great oaf. I waved a single hand and my dress transformed from the silky white fabric to a burgundy red gown. 

I stood from my bed and took a deep breath before pressing the curtains aside and entering the busy camp. Some wore anger on their faces some wore tear-stained cheeks. I wore nothing, letting no emotion show. 

I walked to the pathway and as soon as I hit the flat path, I picked up the front of my dress and sprinted to Peter and Edmund's tent. When I arrived I saw them outside already. By the looks on their faces, I knew they already knew. 

"You've heard," Peter said as he looked up at me. I nodded solemnly and walked over to the table he and Edmund were around. It was barely morning, the sun wasn't fully out but everyone seemed to be awake and training for what the inevitable was. We were going to battle. 

"You'll have to lead us," I said as I looked into his eyes. "Peter, there's an army out there and it's ready to follow you." Peter looked at me then Edmund as if the two of them just shared this conversation. He looked back at me. 

"I can't." 

"Aslan believed you could!" I snapped. I didn't mean to, but I did. "And so do I..." I said quietly this time, placing my hands against the table. 

"Me too." Edmund nodded. I gave him a soft smile. 

For the first time, I noticed Oreius standing beside us. "The Witch's army is nearing, sire. What are your orders?" I saw the look on Peter's face as he experiences an 'oh shit' moment. Now, he would have no choice but to agree and take charge. He had too. "What are your orders?" He looked nervously down at the map then his eyes locked on me. 

"Gather everyone. Strongest in the front, weakest in the back. But every last person, animal, creature is important. And we need them all."

Oreius nods his head. "Yes, sire. I suggest you put on some armor. It won't be easy." He said with a reassuring smile before galloping off. 

Peter told Edmund to go to the armory and get fitted and get a sword. He agreed which left me and Peter alone. He walked around the table to me. 

"I don't want you to fight." He said as he approached. 

"I don't care." I sighed. "I'm fighting."


"Why not? Is it because I'm a girl?" I cross my arms over my stomach stare at him. He stumbled for words.

"No." I raise an eyebrow telling him to tell me then. "I don't want you to be hurt."

I nod my head, "Becauseeeeee"

"Becauseeeee," He mocks. "I care about you." Without letting me respond, he walked up to me and pressed his lips against mine. I smiled as butterflies stirred in my stomach. I used to be afraid that he would have to go back again but I don't see that happening in the near future. 

I whispered into the kiss, "This doesn't change anything. I'm going."

He shrugged as we broke apart. "Worth a shot." He said with a cheesy grin. "At least I got a free kiss." I shoved him playfully before I walked off to the armory as well. We're going to war. And we're going to win. For Aslan. 

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