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"𝐖𝐡𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐈 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮?"


     Practice was tiring even though you weren't one of the boys on the court. Constantly running back to the water fountain and filling up 20 or so water bottles hurt your joints as much as actually working out would. You were only able to carry so many bottles in your arms at once.

     Kuroo was sarcastic and teasing as he would come over and order you around. Handing sweaty boys towels may seem nice on paper but  retrieving said towels to wash them was a task you were reluctant to do.

Yaku suggested to walk you home again but you declined, not having enough energy to talk to the boy. Your stomached growled for food as you wrapped your arms around it and began heading to the convenience store around the corner.

     A soft ding chimed from the door and you trudged your way inside. You grabbed a small snack with a water and made your way to the counter. A girl that seemed to be your age appeared at the counter with an exaggerated grin plastered on her face.

     "F/n! Is that really you?" The girl squealed. She had pale blonde hair that went past her shoulders with bright blue eyes that stared eagerly back at you. Childhood memories of the girl passed through your mind before her name clicked.

"Kimi! Oh my god it's been so long!"

Kimiko Hamasaki was your childhood best friend. She'd been with you since elementary school but the two of you couldn't keep up with long distance so you lost contact at the end of middle school, seeing the girl in front of you seemed almost unreal.

"Wow it really has," She looked you up and down, "You look...great!" She paused unsure towards the end looking back into your eyes to smile yet again.

"So you moved back?" Kimiko asked enthusiastically.

"Yeah..." You paused awkwardly, the girl in front of you eagerly waiting for you to add on, "My dad thought Nekoma would be...better for me." You finished rubbing your neck looking away from Kimiko. Seeing her now was just a reminder of your middle school days. Constantly being compared to the cutest girl in school, almost like being next to her made her look even better.

     "We ought to catch up one of these days!" Kimoko smiled her signature smile back at you.

     "Yeah...we should." You tried smiling back
but it just felt disingenuous. You put your stuff on the counter and waited for her to scan it.

     "How about tomorrow after school?" She looked up after scanning your two items.

     "I-I can't, I have activities after school." You avoided her questioning gaze as you took a shaky breath.

     "Oh did you finally join a sport? You never seemed like that type of girl though." Kimiko interrogated. You never did do any sports back then.

     "I manage the boys volleyball team." You paused looking up at her to see a surprised expression appear on her face.

     "Are you and Tetsu back on good terms?!" Kimiko squealed, "Oh that's just so great! Why don't I meet with the both of you tomorrow, that'll be so fun-"

     "I was just thinking that it could be just a girls date...and plus wouldn't he be tired from practice right?" You lied through your teeth, putting on another plastic smile. Kimiko doesn't need to know why your managing the team let alone meet up with Kuroo.

     "Awww I was wanting to meet up with Tetsu," She pouted for a split second before bursting with joy the next, "Well then it's settled! I'll write down my number real quick and we can meet up here tomorrow!"

     Kimiko quickly bagged up your items writing her number on the receipt. She hadn't changed numbers so she must have deleted yours out of spite or simply just forgotten it. You scoffed at the flimsily written numbers on the paper as you made your way home.



Just meet me at my work around 4!
I'll have a surprise waiting 😳
Say hi to Tetsu again for me!

oh kimi before u go i wanted to ask you something rq

shoot 😋

did tetsurou really ask you out?
like in middle school
sorry to ask rn i'm just in that nostalgic mood haha

Your breath hitched waiting for her answer. Every second that she didn't respond seemed like a year from your lifespan. Once your phone showed she was typing your heart began to speed up until her message came through.

that's a funny question
Why would I ever lie to you?

Your heart automatically dropped, feeling frozen in your chest as if someone took it from you.

yeah idk i'm sorry for asking.
i'll see you tomorrow then!

Yep! Can't wait 😁😁

You placed your phone gently in your lap cursing at yourself. It was obvious that it was true but a small part of you wanted to believe she was lying.

'Kuroo wouldn't do that, Kuroo doesn't seem like the type of guy to do that' you would repeat over and over in middle school, trying to convince yourself that what Kimiko said wasn't true. He was kind and considerate even if he seemed like an asshole sometimes, he legitimately liked you or at least you thought he did.

You ate dinner in silence, barely poking at the food in front of you before you went back up stairs to study. Drowning in the words of your textbooks you weren't able to pay much attention, repeating certain phrases in your head until you couldn't even comprehend what you were reading anymore.

Your eyes went sore once you tucked yourself into bed. Your mind was filled with too much to think about to sleep so you stared at the ceiling until your eyelids became too heavy to hold.


i didnt know how to end this chapter 🙏 i feel like it's been a while but wattpad says it's only been 6 days so i'm not going to apologize 🥸 i've been reading fanfics on ao3 more than writing here so sorry.
you know the drill 😋 WHOREKYUU

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