Something New

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Dream was absently listening to George as the brunette talked about the new video idea he had. The green eyed boy said no real words, occasionally muttering a small affirmation.

"I was thinking we could invite some other people too. We hardly ever do 'minecraft but' videos with anyone besides us two or Sapnap." George's words had gone through one ear and out the other, not a single syllable attaching to Clay's mind. "Dream?"


"Clay, what is with you?" George's voice held onto a hint of anger, his words laced with a tone Dream didn't hear often. "For fuck's sake, Dream! What the hell is wrong with you?!"

The brunette's loud words finally pulled Clay down from his daydream. Clay sighed, telling George to move on and continue talking about the new pack.

"What the fuck? No! Tell me what's wrong! We're best friends, Clay!" George sounded desperate now.

Friends. The word crashed into Dream's mind, a venomous feeling tied tightly around it in an innocent ribbon. It felt wrong.

That's all it is. A completely platonic relationship, obviously. Nothing more- not even a little.

"I'm fine, George. I just zoned out." Clay spoke, the lies hardly able to pass through his lips properly. Is honestly really that important?

"Okay you're just lying at this point. Please, Clay! What's wrong...? Maybe I can help!" Clay admired George for that. The brunette was the type of person to constantly try and help people even when he knew he couldnt. This situation was no different, clearly.

"I doubt it." Clay's words werent meant to cause any harm, but his tone was darker than intended, realization of this hitting him like a ton of bricks. "Fuck- sorry. I'm just so out of it and theres no excuse for me to be acting like this. You're so patient with my bullshit and I have no clue how you do it, George. I'm insufferable!"

Clay's hands flew up to his hair as he leaned back in his chair, his eyes closing. The darkness was immediately replaced by an image of George, the event causing a smile to crawl across Dream's face when he momentarily pushed their conversation to the depths of his mind. Unfortunately, the blissful feeling didn't last forever. It couldn't.

"You're not insufferable, just... annoying sometimes." George spoke in a soft tone, clearly not confident that what he had said was true. "Well- that's not really true either. You just-"

"Don't make sense? Yeah. I know." Clay's words passed over George's, easily becoming the predominant statement that the two boy's molded the conversation around.

"Exactly! You change quickly and your mind focuses on one thing a lot. Like now- you're clearly being affected by something, it's obvious! I just- dont know what because you wont exactly tell me." The brunette ranted for longer than he'd like, hardly able to stop himself from continuing that way until Clay calmed him down.

"I don't need to tell you my entire story, George." Clay spoke tiredly his brain being completely drained after what felt like years of that same dream- nightmare at this point.

"You're right. I don't need your entire story. Just bits and pieces- please." George's voice became a bit higher as he spoke, a telltale sign that he really wanted to know.

Clay immediately began thinking of a better excuse than the ones he'd thought of. He didnt want George to keep asking and he most certainly wouldn't be telling him the truth.

His mind ached, running harder than it should as he scanned every square centimeter of his brain, hoping to find something- anything.

"I'm stressed about meeting you and Sapnap, is all. It's been driving me crazy and theres no reason for it, like I said earlier." Clay sighed in relief, his words sounding believable even to himself.

"That makes sense, I guess. Why are you so stressed?" George hummed.

"I'm worried you guys will think I'm different in person or that you, specifically, George will be weirded out by seeing my face." Clay chuckled, a weak attempt to lighten the situation.

"Oh, I'm sure it'll be fine. You have almost two months to get over that, anyway." Clay made a soft sound of affirmation and asked George to continue talking like earlier.

"We did get kind of distracted, huh? Anyway-" George's voice drowned out the silence that had been driving Dream absolutely insane. Within silence, within darkness, within noise, within light- George found his way to Clay's mind no matter the situation.

Worry drenched Dream's previous feelings when the british man wasnt there and the whole situation was making him uneasy, almost.

Clay's Dream Journal
Nothing has changed. That stupid British man has invaded my dreams, my sleep, MY THOUGHTS! I can't function alone anymore, hes always there, a lurking presence stood over my shoulder constantly.

It's the same feeling you get when someone's looking at you. You dont know they're there but you have a feeling they are and 8/10 times you're right.

It's scary, actually. Feels like someone- something is always watching me, but in reality I know its George.

Well, I think its him anyway...

[A/n: Thought I hated the last chapter but I've come to like it. And I really like this one too so POG!]

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