Seongsang- Snow Days

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Little! Yeosang
Caregiver! Seonghwa

The past few days the boys had been pretty busy to say the least. Between the four of the boys (Seonghwa, San, Yunho, and Jongho) filming for their new drama, Hongjoong always being at the studio, Wooyoung always practicing, and Mingi not being at the dorm, Yeosang had been spending these days pretty much alone. He knew he should be working out or practicing in the free time that he had , but he'd been so stressed out during promotions that all he's been wanting to do is regress.
It was technically against their unofficial rules that Yeosang wasn't supposed to be little while he was alone, since he regressed quite young, but he figured what they didn't know won't hurt them. While the others have been busy he's been in his room claiming to be working on things, but in reality taking that extra time to be little. Today, like those other days, he spent his time watching cartoons in their living room while playing with his toys and really just enjoying how relaxed he felt. Although, on those days, unlike today, he's been able to make himself feel big again and clean up before the others got him, but today he lost track of time. Because in the past hour or so it had begun to snow and little Yeosang was just sitting by the window mesmerized by how pretty it was.
When he heard the front open Yeosang immediately jumped up to greet the boys, his little self not realizing he wasn't really supposed to be little right then.
Pretty much as soon as Seonghwa opened the door and went to put his things down he was greeted by someone jumping into his arms. Luckily his reflexes acted quickly enough and he caught the boy as he jumped. He looked down in surprised only to be greeted by an adorable sight.
Yeosang was looking right at him with his big eyes while sucking on his pacifier, all while giggling. Seonghwa was surprised to see him little, but was always welcome to the sight of little Yeosang.
Before Seonghwa could say anything, Yeosang began shouting excitingly but it was so sudden and loud that he couldn't even make out what the little was trying to say.
Gently, the older hushed the little, "inside voices, baby. Now what were you trying to say?"
Yeosang didn't respond but just motioned to be let down from the older's arms which Seonghwa complied to. As soon as he was down Yesoang grabbed his hand and began dragging him towards the window in their living room. Too tired to resist, Seonghwa let the little drag him to where he wanted him to be.
Once they got to the window Yeosang pointed outside and looked up at Seonghwa. "Snow!" he said excitingly to older while smiling behind his pacifier.
Seonghwa smiled at how cute the younger was and wanted too coo at him, but decided to just play along with what the little wanted. "It is snow! Isn't it pretty, Sangie?" He answered with just as much of an excited voice.
"Wan' pway!" The little just answered while jumping up and down excitingly all while looking to his caregiver, no doubtfully for permission to play outside.
"It's too late to go play in the snow, baby," Seonghwa answered, his heart breaking though while watching the little's face immediately fall in response to his answer. He reached out to stroke the littles cheek, "we can play tomorrow though! How does that sound?"
Yeosang's face immediately lit up again as he began clapping at bouncing in place. "Yay! Yay! Yay! Pway in snow!" He began chanting over and over, Seonghwa just smiling glad that he could make his baby happy with something as simple as playing outside in the snow together.
Unfortunately though, with the new exciting news it took forever for Seonghwa to calm the little down enough to start getting him ready for bed. Finally after some bribing and pleading, Yesoang was finally asleep and the older couldn't help but be relieved. He had been so busy these past couple days that he knew he more than needed a good nights rest and thankfully that's what he got: as soon as his head hit the pillow he was dead asleep.
Yesoang woke up bright and early the next morning, still feeling little and too excited to sleep any longer. Remembering the promise Seonghwa made to him, Sangie immediately jumped up and ran to his caregivers room.
Opening the door, the little noticed Hongjoongs empty bed and Seonghwa who was very much still asleep. Quietly the younger walked up to his bed. "Hwa, hwa, snow pway time pwease," he whispered as he gently shook Seonghwa to wake him up. Although, after a few tries Seonghwa still wouldn't wake up, he always was a heavy sleeper. Yesoang contemplated jumping on the bed to wake him up, but something stopped him. His hwa looked so peaceful sleeping and even his little self knew how stressed and busy the older had been, so Yeosang quickly walked back out the room deciding to let the older sleep longer.
As he got back to the living room he sat down on the couch pouting. All he wanted to do was play outside in the snow, but there was no one awake to go outside with him. Then suddenly he got an idea. He had played outside before, so there was reason he couldn't go outside by himself!
Smiling at the thought of his new plan, he got up from the couch and went to the front door and put on the winter shoes Seonghwa always made him wear and his coat (he couldn't figure out the zipper though, so he just decided to leave it unzipped). As he opened the door and stepped outside he immediately gave a squeal in happiness looking at all of the snow around him. There was so much to play with!
With no hesitation Yesoang raced to the snow and threw himself in it, giggling the whole time. He was having so much fun picking up the snow and throwing it around. Drawing pretty pictures in the snow, even if the wind did keep messing it up and just running around letting out pent up energy. He was having so much fun he didn't even notice how cold he was getting.
As soon as Seonghwa woke up and looked over at his alarm clock and looked at the time, he knew something was wrong. It was already almost 10, and Yesoang was always up early, especially when he was regressed, and almost always woke up Seonghwa as soon as he was up.
Getting up, the older decided to go check on him, his worry only growing when he realized that the little wasn't in his bed. Trying to keep calm, he walked into the living room and kitchen. He was about to call out for him when he noticed he wasn't there either, when he suddenly happened to glance outside of the window. Gasping at the sight, Seonghwa took just the time to put on the shoes before running outside.
Yeosang was sitting in the snow with his arms wrapped around himself shivering. As he ran up to him, he also noticed that while he did have shoes and a coat on all he was wearing besides that were the thin pajamas he had been put in the night before.
Seonghwa was panicked as he reached the little, immediately wrapping him arms around him and picking him up trying to get him back inside as quickly as possible. The little was too cold to even complain as his caregivers brought him back into the warm air of their house and as he raced him to the bathroom. Seonghwa turned on some warm water, not too hot as to not burn him, and once it was full and Yesoang was undressed he quickly put the younger in the bath.
     After a few moments of silence, Seonghwa decided to finally speak up, "baby boy, what were you thinking? You know you're not supposed to go outside alone especially in the cold like this. I was so worried, baby." He gently scolded him, not wanting to scare him more than he could tell the younger boy already was.
     At this Yesoang immediately broke into sobs and tried to climb out of the tub and onto Seonghwa lap. The older gently held him in the tub, "you have to stay in baby and warm up," but this only made the little cry harder and Seonghwa could just barely make out the words "hwa" and "sorry" between the sobs.
    Seonghwa kissed the little's forehead and gave him a soft smile, gently caressing his hair in hopes of helping him calm down some.
     After a little while, Yeosang mostly calmed down but still had some tears, the older deemed him warmed up enough and told the younger to stay put while he went grab some warm clothes for him.
     When he came back he helped the younger out of the tub and into the warm clothes and carried him to the kitchen to make him a bottle of some warm milk.
     As Seonghwa was moving the bottle to begin feeding the younger, after he had got them situated, Yeosang moved his head to the side refusing the bottle.
     "What's wrong, Sangie?" Seonghwa asked, concern filling his voice.
     It took a few minutes for Yesoang to respond, but eventually he looked up at the older and Seonghwa could see more tears beginning to build up. At this Seonghwa brushed some stray tears and quietly hushed him as Yesoang began to speak, "I sowwy for going outside, Hwa."
     At this the caregiver immediately began shaking it head as he leaned down to give the younger another kiss on his forehead: "I already forgive you, baby. Hwa is just glad that his baby is okay, that's what's most important, okay?"
    Yesoang softly nodded his head in response but Seonghwa could tell he was still feeling bad.
     "How about you have your bottle and we take a nap together and afterwards we can dress you up nice and warm and we can go outside together and play in the snow like I promised? How does that sound?" Before the older was even finished speaking, the little was shaking his head in agreement, excited about spending time in the snow with his Hwa just like he'd wanted to when he woke up this morning.

Word count: 1762

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