Suprise - Woosang

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Little! Wooyoung
Caregiver! Yeosang (feat. San & Seonghwa)

Yeosang woke up and the first thing he noticed was that the spot next to him was empty. Sitting up, slightly confused as he usually is up first, he noticed the plushies and the other toys that were around the room which weren't there when he had fallen asleep. Smiling, Yeosang realized that this meant that Wooyoung was little this morning and he loved when he got to spend time with little Woyoung.
He decided to get up and make his way out of the bedroom, picking up a few of the loose toys on the floor as he went. As he made his way to the living room he spotted an adorable sight. Wooyoung was laying on the floor doing crafts with San. As he got closer he heard San say something which made Wooyoung giggle and clap his hands cutely making San also laugh with the slightly younger male.    Smiling at the adorableness, Yeosang decided to greet the duo, "Good morning!"
San looked up and smiled greeted the fellow member while Wooyoung just said, "morning" without looking up from what he was working on. Frowning, Yeosang walked up to the little and crouched down trying to see what he was working on so intently.
"What are..." Wooyoung began screaming and trying to push Yeosang away while also attempting to hide what he was working on.
Yeosang stood up and backed away with shock. If he was thinking clearly he probably would have thought that there was a reasonable explanation to the little's actions, but in his surprise he could only feel hurt by the actions. He just stood up and walked away while he heard San scold Wooyoung for being rude.
The rest of the day went about the same as the morning had. Yeosang would try and get Wooyoung's attention and he would just brush him off. The worst was when Yeosang walked into the living room and noticed Wooyoung and San getting ready to leave.
     "Where are you guys headed?" Yeosang asked hesitantly because of the way the day had been going.
     "Just out, tell Seonghwa that we'll be back before dinner, okay?" San just replied as he grabbed Wooyoung' hand and they made their way out of the door.
     Yeosang felt hurt. They always asked each other if they wanted to join when they went out. Did he do something to make them angry? Yeosang sat on the couch just wracking his brain for any reason why Wooyoung didn't want to spend time with him today, but he honestly couldn't think of anything. Just last night they had been laying in bed talking about Yeosang's upcoming birthday and just enjoying time together. Eventually the thoughts just became too much for him and tears began running down his face. He hates feeling this way, jealous and angry at them for ignoring him but also hurt from being left out by his friends. Once these thoughts started it's hard to stop them and eventually yeosang was just in his bed curled up and silently crying, he didn't want to lose his little and most importantly his best friend.


     After being gone for a while and getting everything they needed to finish what they were working on, Wooyoung and San were back in the dorm. As soon as they walked in Seonghwa directed them to put down their bags and go get the others since dinner was ready.
     San put down the few bags they had and looked over to Wooyoung, "how about you go get daddy and i'll get the others, okay? I'm sure he misses you." Wooyoung nodded his head excitingly and began running to go get his favorite caregiver.
     "hey! no running!" Seonghwa scolded as he noticed the little take off. At this Wooyoung slowed down a little, but still quickly made his way to his intended destination. Seonghwa just shook his head in defeat, not in the mood to fight with the obviously overly excited little.
     Wooyoung ran into his shared room with Yeosang expecting to be welcomed with open arms, but as soon as he entered he stopped in his tracks. He tilted his head in confusion as he took notice of his main caregiver curled up on his bed.
     The little slowly made his way to the slightly older member's side. Hesitantly, he reached out his hand toward Yeosang, "daddy? You okay?".
     Yeosang didn't answer and just turned around on the bed, his back now facing the little. He knew it was immature, but he thought he would probably start crying again if he looked at him.
     Wooyoung frowned at the action and tears began welling up in his eyes. Suddenly, the little ran back out of the rooms towards the kitchen.
     "Wooyoung, what did I say about running?" Seonghwa began scolding, but stopped at he looked up and saw the panic in the little's eyes.
     "Sometings wong wif Daddy" Wooyoung managed to sob out and he pointed towards the bedroom.
      Seonghwa immediately stopped what he was doing and moved to go check on the boy, but was stopped by San.
     "I'll go check on him, hyung." Seonghwa just nodded and began to go back to what he was doing, worry still clear on his face.
     San began making his way towards the bedroom with Wooyoung following closely behind. When they got into the room, San walked up to the bed and sat down next to where Yeosang was laying.
     "Is everything okay, Sangie?" San asked. He waited for a few moments and when he thought he wasn't going to receive a response a voice suddenly broke the silence.
     "Why do you even care?"
     San was taken aback by the blunt answer said with little to no emotion.
     "What do you mean, of course we care."
     "Well, you both practically ignored me the whole day," Yeosang answered, still refusing to look at either of the fellow members who were in the room.
     Suddenly, San understood what the older boy meant. Looking back on the day, him and Wooyoung were doing things together and were so focused on not spoiling Yeosang's surprise that they brushed him off all day.
     Softly smiling in understand, San looked towards Wooyoung who up to this point was still by the door, scared to get too close to the obviously upset boy and not knowing what to do. "How about you go get that special project you were working on?" San asked the little, which cased Yeosang to finally sit up and look at the duo in confusion.
     Wooyoung was about to protest as that was supposed to be for tomorrow, but San interrupted him before he could, "Sangie is feeling a little sad right now and I think it would help him cheer up a bit!"
     The little's eyes lit up and he immediately left the room to grab the project he had been working on. It was supposed to be a surprise for tomorrow, Yeosang's birthday, but he was willing to do anything to help his Daddy feel better.
      Walking back into the bedroom, present in hand, Wooyoung made his way to his Daddy and handed the surprise to him.
      Yeosang still looked confused by the action, "this is for me?" He asked the little while looking up at him.
     Wooyoung nodded excitingly in response, "birthday present for Daddy! Open! Open!"
     Yeosang opened the book he had received and tears almost immediately came back into his eyes, but for a different reason than they had earlier. Wooyoung had put together a scrapbook of them together and included pictures they took together, some of Wooyoung's colorings, drawings the little did of them together, and some other little doodles here and there. Yeosang moved the book to the side and immediately brought Wooyoung into his lap and hugged him tight rocking them both back and forth.
     The little was shocked at the action, but immediately relaxed in his daddy's hold.
      "Like it?" Wooyoung asked, slightly muffled since his face was pressed up against the crook of Yeosang's neck.
      The caregiver nodded, "I absolutely love it, baby. You did so good working on it!" Wooyoung just giggled and softly kissed Yeosang's neck as a thank you.
     "Daddy appy now?"
     Yeosang immediately nodded, "so happy, baby. You make daddy so happy," he answered as he gave the little a soft kiss on his forehead.
     They stayed like that for a little while while San explained to Yeosang what had happened that day. Apparently after their talk the previous night about Yeosang's birthday, Wooyoung had woken San up earlier this morning saying he wanted help making the caregiver something for his birthday. They were working on the scrapbook this morning when Yeosang had woken up, which is why Wooyoung freaked out, not wanting the surprise to be ruined. The two had went to the store today to get a cake for Yeosang for tomorrow.
     Yeosang just shook his head, mad at himself for overreacting. He was glad it was over though and he was just glad everything ended up okay. Even though it wasn't even his birthday yet, he just knew it would be one of the best he's had yet, mostly just because of the little still wrapped up in his arms.

Word count: 1547

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