Till the End of Time

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Hello, my babes...Uhh, I know my posting schedule is irrelevant. But please bear with me.😭 Anyway, here you go. This is an AU where Hinata goes to America over the summer after breaking up with Kags. And becoming a bad bi*tch. There's going to be a second part showcasing more Tsukihina so stay tuned.

He told me he'd love me till the end of time and I believed him. Little did I know the end of time was only 4 months and 16 days. I counted the days just to know how long the end of time was. Now that I think about it, time felt like it stopped when he told me he couldn't be with me anymore. To be honest I wished I'd cried more. I wish that I wanted our relationship to work just a bit more but it was pointless. You can't love someone who's only capable of loving themselves. Time seemed to pass by quicker without him.

"So Hinata how are you holding up." Kenma looked up from his game and gave me a look of sympathy.

"To be honest I'm fine," I muttered quietly to myself. That was truly how I felt. Our time was just up I guess. I don't say anything seeping further into my coat. I've heard this question at least a hundred times.

"Hinata, you know it's okay to feel hurt. It's okay to be sad." I'd heard those words over and over again too. Like I was supposed to be sadder than I was. I guess they expected me to cry over him. Cry over that tyrant king that controlled my life. I couldn't understand why they cared so much.

Kenma gave me a peck on the cheek hugging me tightly before I made my way home. The air was chilly for late October the air was still stiff around me like time barely passed, as leaves crunched under my feet. I came home and the place was empty like always. It was quiet ever since Natsu decided to move in with mom and dad in America.

I showered dressing in some comfy clothes. I sat on the couch munching on a bowl of cereal when the doorbell rang. I peeled myself from the couch and placed the bowl on the coffee table. I opened the door leaning against the doorway. I had to look up at his tall figure. He handed me a bag of meat buns. While rummaging through the bag I spoke.

"So they sent you over as a last resort. Huh."

"The team is honestly dying without you. I only came over here because I'm tired of their whining." He grunted. Pushing his glasses up his face.

"Come in, it's pretty cold outside," I reply stepping aside as he walks in. A gust of cold wind seems to fight its way in as I close the door. He takes off his coat folding it over his arm.

"I told them it was pointless for me to come over here." He murmured as I walked into the kitchen. Putting on the kettle.

"Jasmine or Peppermint."

"Peppermints fine." He said as he sat on the stool in front of the counter.

" I can't go back there, they all treat me like a charity case," I explained hearing the whistle of the kettle.

"To be honest I don't care what you do. But, just make them stop complaining to me about it. Besides what happened anyway." He asked reluctantly.

"I'm surprised you don't know to be honest," I mumbled pouring the water into cups.

"I don't like bothering myself with needless drama." He confessed leaning and resting his chin in his palm.

" After I and King broke up everyone treated me like I was under-reacting. Like I was nothing without Kageyama. Like I should have been more hurt about our break up or something." I bring him his cup, placing it in front of him while I take a sip from mine.

"Like they were telling you how you should feel."

"Exactly! Wow, Tsukki I didn't know we could agree on something!"

"I didn't know Karasuno's ball of sunshine could be this mellow and level headed- and don't call me that." He grumbled taking a sip of his tea.


We sat in quiet comfortable silence for a while. He swallowed the last of his tea throwing on his coat.
"Well, I should get going. You should eat something besides cereal. I'll see you Monday then."

"See you Monday then," I replied, walking him to the door. He ruffled my hair before walking down my steps.
I closed the door behind him. Clutching the teacup in my hands as a light smile and a bit of blush run across my cheeks.
"So you do have at least one caring bone in your body."

Monday morning was like another morning except I decided to go to school. It's not because Tsukishima convinced me or anything. I just don't want the school calling my parents and them nagging me about skipping school

The sea of students rushing around in the building. Made me feel insignificant, a comfortable kind like I wasn't the center of attention like everyone made me out to be. It's been a while since I came to school. I've changed a lot since then.

I felt an arm grab me and pull me from my spot in the middle of the hoard of students. I felt arms wrap around me as I looked down. I see a clump of blond hair.

"Hello Yachi," I say in a mellow tone. By this time most of the students cleared from the hallway only a few of us remained. She looked up at me curiously.

"Shoyo, how come you got so tall over the break." She whined hanging on my arm. I shrugged at her before patting her head as I walked to my class. I could feel her curious stares on my back. 'I guess I changed a bit more than I realized.'

I walked into class with my eyes wandering around the faces in the classroom. His face was among them but I didn't stare or dwell on him. I treated him just as everyone else. As a faceless background character. I sat in my spot near the window. Starting at the world beyond the school gates.

He broke up with me on the first day of the break. The break that we were going to spend together but of course that didn't happen. So I decided to go with Natsu and spend the break in America visiting our parents. In America, I made a lot of new friends. Sucking up culture and mannerisms like a sponge.

I told my new friends all about Kageyama and my life back home. They gave me all sorts of advice. I even taught them a couple of things about volleyball. I liked being there and they helped me learn myself. They told me that my life shouldn't revolve around anyone but myself. That I should start living for myself. My life was changed for the better. Man, I miss those guys a lot especially when the house gets a little too quiet.

They were like my second family. Well of course aside from my team. But they taught me things I'll never forget...

School seemed to go by faster than I remember. I know I didn't miss anything. It's only like the second day back. Now it was time for practice. I was a little rusty. I had played a bit over the summer. But I didn't attend the summer retreat the team went to. That's probably how much of the team found out about the breakup.

Kageyama probably spread some rumors about how it was my fault we broke up. But I honestly could care less. As my bestie Nevaeh used to say. "You're a bad bitch petty shit does not affect you," I whisper to myself.

I nodded in agreement with the statement. Walking out of the classroom I bump into Tsukishima.

"Hey Tsuki!"

"What- didn't I tell you not to call me that.

"Come on we're gonna be late to practice."

TSUKIHINA||ONESHOTS||Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu