The Wattpad favorites & Etc..list.Months of January & February

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Title: The Wattpad favorites & Etc..list.

For the months of January and February

Inspirations: You guys.. Always you guys

Picture/Music: Are an amusement..

Comments: Are informative.

Top 7 Favorite Wattpad Stories..

1.Luminous Oblivion By: WeShareOneSky

2.MonoChrome By: PandorE

3.The Collector By: Lalawebb

4.Blind (A Retelling of Snow White) By:EstrangeloEdessa

5. An Adventure Into The Forbidden Lands By: Jinglepower

6. Hello, my name is...Beautiful By: State-of-the-Art

7. Knight Casefiles Book 1: Revelations By: Archleone

Side note: Honestly guys I haven’t really been reading much in the stories lately.. So that’s why the list is so short)

Top 10 Favorite Wattpad Poems..

1. Poems of Wonderland Characters By: LittleMadHatter

2. Rise Beyond By: LuckOfTheApocalypse

3. Lucid dreaming By: Dutroux

4. Monster: Stride Like A Vampire By: Noctis

5. Creepy poems: Who's Laughing Now..? By: Lampshade37

6. a silken snakebite by: Dutroux

7. Journey To Outerspace (Trip) By: Schizo

8. Shifting Flowing Minds By: Morgain_Raven

9. Monstrous By: Alice1421

10. Speak: Cinderella By: Midnightrise

11. Poetry for the Phantom:08 Bewitched by MochaEmpress

12. The Rage of Her Pain by: XmoroccangalX

Special February Romance Story!

{My Valentine} By: Archleone

My Favorites F.T.M. (For the moment)

Favorite Worst Movie O.T.M: Case 39

Favorite Best Movie O.T.M.: The Black Swan & Tangled

Favorite Band O.T.M.: Sparks the rescue

Favorite Game: Alice: Madness Returns

Newbie’s to check out!

Quailfeather: Writes amazing stories, and poems..

EstrangeloEdessa: Simply brilliant work all around. Seriously check out Blind it will astound you!

An annoying reminder.. (Please if you haven’t check these out)

1. Red (Retelling one-piece story)

2. {A Poetics Collective} My newest mini-poem collection

Authors Reader: Well hello and welcome to the annual monthly favorites list so here’s my questions and your answers from you!

1, Who have you been reading from on Wattpad/other..?

2. Whose some nembies you think I should check out..?

3. What’s a band you’ve been listening to recently.?

4. What’s your favorites Of the moment..?

5. Thanks for simply reading see you next month and have a happy valentines day! Bye dear reader..

My Wattpad Favorites And Etc..ListWhere stories live. Discover now