𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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Iphigenia wasn't sure what deity she had made an accidental sacrifice to. But, to whoever was pleased with her, the Metamorphmagus was eternally grateful. Especially when — two weeks after the Quidditch Cup and fatal after party — she had yet to spend a second of time alone with Harry.

As weeks passed into months and end of term exams approached, the two friends found themselves on separate schedules for the first time since September. It helped that Quidditch practices were no longer being held. Meaning Iphigenia had extra time to fill. The Ravenclaw's had called her "mature and responsible" when the ebony haired beauty had chosen to use the free time to study with them. But, really, Iphigenia was running around finding anyone who wasn't Harry to spend time with. At one point she had even dragged Neville with her to the library to study Herbology. Where she learned that the shy, awkward boy actually had a natural affinity for the subject.

The extra studying habits ensured that all of her school work and extra revising was getting accomplished and that her only time spent with Harry was at meal times.

"For Godrics's sake I'm in fourth year not fifth," Iphigenia had moaned one morning. Her eyes bleary and heavy from a late night Potions revision with the Slytherin's. "With the amount of exam prep McGonagall is having us go through, you'd think I was preparing for the O.W.L.'s ."

"What's an O.W.L?" asked Harry, reaching over to  steady Iphigenia's coffee cup, which was balancing dangerously atop a stack textbooks.

Iphigenia gave him a thankful smile and ignored the butterflies in her stomach when he sent her a lopsided one in return.

"Ordinary Wizarding Levels," Hermione answered from beside Iphigenia. Her voice coming out snappish and cranky.

Despite being only a third year, Hermione was soon to take eleven exams — "See Mione? It was a good thing to get kicked out of Divination! One less exam!" — much to Iphigenia's annoyance. The stress and worrying coming from Hermione was starting to affect everyone around her. No one could find the bushy haired witch under her piles of parchment and books. And if you were unlucky enough to bother Hermione during her studying, she was sure to bite your head clean off.

"We take them at the end of fifth year," Ron said around a mouth full of eggs. "It's a really big deal. The Ministry conducts it all and has proctors for the written and practical exams. Whole thing takes about a month to complete."

"It's two weeks," Iphigenia corrected with an eye roll directed at her friends exaggeration.

"Whatever, it's still a big deal. Bill told me that a girl in his class had to be taken to St. Mungo's because the stress had become too much," Ron said and no one missed the way his eyes traveled to Hermione, as though she were due next for a trip to the wizarding hospital. "But you'd expect it to be stressful, wouldn't you? Considering your score on them determines if you can advance on."

Iphigenia nodded, taking a sip of her coffee and grimacing when she found it had grown. "I take them next year in Charms, Potions, and Transfiguration. If I achieve an O.W.L then I become a N.E.W.T student."

"N.E.W.T?" Harry asked. But, Hermione had lowered the textbook she was reading to squint at Iphigenia and said, "Are you even allowed to take your N.E.W.T's early?"

The Metamorphmagus brushed her then lavender colored curls over a shoulder and gave her friend a haughty smile. "Dumbledore was the one who brought up me being in advanced classes back in First Year. He better allow me to take the N.E.W.T's in Sixth year."

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐄𝐍𝐈𝐗 ☽ Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now