- 2 - Brittany Spierce

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Recap: A new school year has started at McKinley. Quinn and Santana got in a fight because Quinn decided to rejoin the Cheerios and reclaim her captain title. Mr. Schuester asked the New Directions to recruit new members. Brittany persuades Sugar Motta to audition despite her singing abilities. Finn and Quinn work together to get Sam Evans to join. Additionally, we were introduced to Sam's twin, Evan Evans. The New Directions are now 15 members strong and ready to work. 

"Principal Figgins has asked us to perform at the Homecoming pep rally in a couple of weeks," Mr. Schue announced at the beginning of rehearsal. "This week's lesson and the pep rally will be tied together, so what we work on this week will be performed then."

"What are we going to sing?" Finn asked.

"I'm glad you asked, Finn. I was thinking something a little different."

"Please don't say Journey," Santana grumbled.

"I was thinking something along the lines of another tribute."

"Oh God, we're going to sing more Journey," Santana interrupted.

Mr. Schuester ignored her and continued. "I was thinking something along the lines of another tribute, someone we haven't done yet... Britney Spears."

Brittany started to speak, but collective cheers drowned her out. "That's me!"

"Um, Britt Britt," Santana started. "He said Britney Spears."

"Yeah, and I said that's me. I'm Brittany S. Pierce, Brittany Spierce."

"Oh my God," I heard Kurt mumble.

"What will my solo be?" Rachel questioned enthusiastically.

"Actually, Rachel, you won't be singing a solo," Mr. Schuester replied.

"Oh. Well, then what will my duet with Finn be?" When Mr. Schue failed to respond, she continued with, "I am singing a duet, right?"

"I actually want to showcase other voices for this, Rachel."

"What!?" It was clear that the rest of us were just as confused as her.

"Yes. I was thinking Brittany would solo, Artie and Santana would duet, and the group number would be led by Mercedes and Quinn."

"That's definitely different," Quinn stated.

"I actually think it would be a good idea. Mr. Schue always says that we have different talents, so why not showcase them here?" I shrugged.

"Exactly, Juliet. Let's get to brainstorming. Brittany, what songs are you thinking about?"

"I really like 'Me Against the Music' or 'I'm a Slave 4 U.'"

"Okay, that's a good start. Artie and Santana, what about you two?"

"I also like Me Against the Music and quite honestly, I'm a little offended that Britt gets to sing that and not me." She shot a stern, yet playful look at Brittany.

"Noted, Santana. What about you, Artie?"


Mr. Schue nodded. "Alright, so that's two for each there. Now to our group number."

"'Toxic!'" Quinn shouted out.

"Let's save that for the choir room," Mr. Schue contested.

"Fine. What about 'Womanizer?'"

"I second that," Mercedes added.

"That could work," Mr. Schuester started. "So our group number will be 'Womanizer' featuring Mercedes and Quinn. Can we do 'Stronger' as the duet?" He looked to Santana and Artie for confirmation.

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