Chapter 4 - Red Wined (18+)

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(Spicy Warning 18+)

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The cork popping from the bottle made you jump, opening the second bottle for the evening.

Scotty eyes you with an amused chuckle as he filled the glasses you had just placed on the counter in front of him.

You pouted looking over to him sipping your wine after he filled the glass.

"What?" he said, packing away their leftovers in a Tupperware container.

You both had been talking about life, how you felt about things. Scott found your flushed face adorable, and the fact that the alcohol was making you talk freely.

"I don't get why men enjoy sex so much, it doesn't even feel good, at least in my opinion for what it's worth," you grumbled as you sipped your drink.

His lips turned up into a grin, possibly speaking too freely. He laughed, shaking his head as he pointed the knife toward you, "Last glass for you little lady" he scolded then sipped his own as he slipped the container into the fridge. "And sex is quite pleasurable and is suppose to be for both partners, provided you both want to," he leaned against the counter taking a bigger sip amused at your flustered expression. "At least in my opinion", he teased you, raising his eyebrows.

You weren't drunk but definitely feeling warm. You swirled the contents of your glass staring at it in doubt. "If you say so, the raw burning sensation when going in isn't my thing, I guess," you shrugged passively.

Scott almost spat out his wine, "Burning? Why the hell would it burn? Especially after like preparation and foreplay, or at least lube" his brows furrowed. He quickly slipped back into a playful smirk at your embarrassed expression at the terms he said so openly, you seemed so confused. The realization hit him like a train, "Oh no... sugar," he whined sympathetically but with an obviously teasing tone at your surprise at the mention of the process of preparation.

You humphed turning from him, "I've kissed before, don't be silly," you grumbled taking a smaller sip slowing down.

His chuckle rumbled in his chest a little of liquid courage urging him on as he walked behind you. "You mean, no one has treated you well before taking you?" he purred as he leaned over you, you turned your head avoiding his stare. "No one kissed up your shoulder," he said gently, as he left soft kisses to trail up your shoulder and to your neck. "Nibbled your ear," he trailed his teeth against it making you shiver slightly. You tried to shift away but were imprisoned as his hand cupped your opposite shoulder, his thumb stroking it. "Then make you quiver with their hands massaging your body worshiping it with touch and tongue," his breath shuddered against your hair. "In all your intimate places, till you both beg for each other's release," he purred eyeing the red on your cheeks that hadn't come from the wine. Your breath hitched as he stroked your jawline tilting your head up toward his lowing his head down. Your eyes fluttered closed. "It is a pity," he said smugly as he let you go, walking away, leaving you bothered to go back to washing dishes.

You shuddered and looked away embarrassed, your body uncomfortably warm as you fan yourself. After excusing yourself you slipped into the living room and you sunk into the couch. Grabbing a pillow, you hugged it close as you downed the wine, emptying the glass before putting it on the coffee table. Tucking your feet up onto the couch and into your sundress, you eyed Scotty's broad back still over the sink. Still washing dishes, surely he would be a few minutes at least.

Your eyes gazed toward the fire as your hand slipped lower hoping the friction would ease the ache that was slowly starting to rumble awake. Your eyes closed as your mouth opened slightly rubbing your mound softly hidden by the pillow in your lap. You let out a heavier breath and your toes curl when you press just the right way.

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