Chapter 2 - Sunflower

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"What do you mean you've never eaten Jello?" you laugh while covering your mouth.

Scott laughed along, "It means I've never eaten Jello, it's weird and not natural colored and it jiggles," he said followed by a fake gagging noise that just made you laugh harder.

"Stop, stop!" you laugh waving at him. He was making you laugh far too hard, you were going to snort soon, you would be mortified.

He laughed wanting to continue, but let your laughter die down, he was enjoying your time together. He was happy with his decision to keep you around and not go with his original plans.

Over the last few days, he had brought you meals, kept you company, and taken care of your wounds. You warmed him with your laugh, plus he found your mannerisms positively adorable.

You were still recuperating from your accident. While you could walk a little bit with Scotts help you were quickly returned to the bed when you gave any sign of pain. He had even taken the handcuff off you, you were too uncomfortable to wander far from the bed and the small restroom.

He was so kind as to help through all of this. You had caught him trying to be quiet while cleaning one side of the room one early that morning. You kept quiet not to let him know you had woken up. It was hard though when you heard a grunt of pain and wanted to giggle at his possible clumsiness like he did many times with your two left feet.

"My turn," Scott said, stroking his chin in thought.

The two of you were playing a game of some sort, mainly questions back and forth. Things you wish you could do, see, things that you wish you hadn't.

"Not another one about my family," you pout. You had given up enough small secrets about some of your great aunts that would have them rolling in their graves. However, it was worth it to hear Scott laugh. His favorite so far was your rather lightweight aunt who didn't know about the punch being spiked at a birthday party. The poor woman ended up face-first in your mother's fish pond. Scott almost spit out his drink at the conclusion. Instead, he broke out in a session of laughing and coughing horsley as his drink went down the wrong way.

Though you wouldn't admit you were enjoying some of the adventures he and his brothers used to get in when he was younger.

"Let's see," Scott said humming once more. "What would you love to have, that you can't have?" he asked. He was honestly expecting something extravagant, a vacation on the moon, priceless jewels, superpowers, etcetera.

The question drew a bit of a softer, sad smile from you. "Sundresses," you hum and scratch the back of your hand.

"Sundresses?" he asked, confused. Like his ma used to wear?

"Yeah," you hum and look down. "I used to love the colors. Especially the ones with the big bright flowers on them" you giggle gesturing to your preference of larger print.

"Why don't you just wear them?" he asked, positively confused. His ma used to wear them, it's not like they were scandalous or expensive.

"Ah," you trail off a little. "My husband doesn't like me wearing them. Says they are too, well, flashy. Draws too much attention for a married woman. Plus he says that they don't flatter me much," you said, thumbing your gray dress, saying the line as if it was rehearsed.

"I'm sure you'd be quite a picture in a colorful dress, sugar. I don't know what he was going on in his mind, talking about you looking bad. I'm sure you don't have an ugly bone in that little body of yours," he offered, nodding his head firmly.

This made you smile a bit and blush, "Come now, just because he isn't here doesn't mean we should talk poorly of him. He takes care of me, I'm happy," you say.

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