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Roxanne and Ali were walking together to the soccer field, where they planned to try-out together for the cheerleading team. Ever since Roxanne was eight years old she's always loved to perform, in any way shape or form. Whether it be, doing backflips or singing in bars it's always been a favorite of hers, so when the opportunity to try out for a team like West Valley's, she took it as soon as possible, hence leading up to where she is now, the sidelines of the soccer field, talking to the coach.
"Alright, Roxy did you say your name was?" the coach started.
"Oh yes, Roxy."
"Alright Roxy, show us something hmm?" to this, Roxanne just nodded and pulled her red hair back into a ponytail, standing a few feet away from her original spot. She raised her hands above her head launched her self off of her feet, performing a front handspring and following up with a twist and ending in an aerial. She looked over to the coach expectantly.
"Well, I think you've proven you're quite coordinated hon, we practice 4 days a week right after school. Be on time alright?" Roxanne nodded excitedly.
"Alright hon go warm up with the girls." Roxanne walked over to Ali quickly as they celebrated quietly before beginning to stretch in the grass. The two girl conversed about various things as they watched the boys on the field warm up as well. Then, as Roxanne got up she made eye contact with Johnny. She smiled and waved at him and he smiled back, and lucky for Johnny the distance was just enough so that Roxy couldn't spot the redness creeping onto his cheeks as he turned away. Ali looked at Roxy confused.
"Are you guys?" she asked
"Oh no no! I promise, we just sat together today so i thought to wave at know?" Roxanne assured her. Ali nods understandingly.
"I get it, just- be careful okay? You know how those guys can be." she says frowning.
"Yeah... oh hey there's Daniel!" says the Greens girl, spotting her friend. Both girls wave to him as he jogs over to their place in the grass, striking up a conversation.
"Well hiya ladies." says Daniel, putting a hand on his hip. The two girls laugh and greet him back.
"You trying out for soccer?" asks Roxanne. Daniel nods.
"Oh yeah well, I just thought I'd give it a go." he says laughing.
"Well good luck Daniel!" says Ali right when the whistle blows. Daniel nods and jogs off.
What the three teens didn't see, was the Cobra Kai's whisper to each other after watching the interaction. And let me tell you that wasn't gonna end well.

Ali and Roxanne were practically inseparable for the practice so far, cheering together and trying out new stunts, all that jazz. Everything was going fine until Roxanne saw Daniel get tripped by Bobby. She slowly stopped cheering, along with Ali as they watched Daniel get up and hit Bobby square in the face. Roxanne winced as Daniel tackled Bobby and they began fighting. Her and Ali looked at each other uncomfortably as Daniel was pulled off of Bobby and told off by the coach.
"What the hell." says Ali. Roxanne nods now angry after seeing them get Daniel into trouble.
"Yeah what a bunch of fucking pricks!" she yells a bit too loud. The boys look over to the girls who now have there arms crossed. Bobby makes a face of regret but covers it up with a smirk. Roxanne throws her hands up and jogs off the field after Daniel, Ali watching.
The boys now have some regret, but think nothing of it. Boy if only they knew what would come next.

𝐷𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑠Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora