The Victors

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After the announcement each District was sent a poster to post in their town square to inform us on the number of past Victors in each District. The announcement made by President Snow is outdated; due to the fact that 75 tributes will be picked(Thanks to our duel Victor's from last year)The poster reads:"As of the 74th Hunger Games the number of Victors(dead and alive) in each District is as follows:

District 1 - 10 victors

District 2 - 14 victors

District 3 - 6 victors

District 4 - 9 victors

District 5 - 5 victors

District 6 - 4 victors

District 7 - 4 victors

District 8 - 3 victors

District 9 - 4 victors

District 10 - 3 victors

District 11 - 8 victors

District 12 - 4 victors

And then they have another poster with all of our District's Victors
District twelve's Victors
Haymitch Abernathy(50th)
Katniss Everdeen(74th)
Peeta Mellark(74th)

Lucy Grays existence is still unknown by most of the world. Only the few alive to watch the 10th Hunger Games and celebrate it in District 12 remember her.Only her close family know the rumour of a peacekeeper murdering her in the woods is actually a rumour. After she escaped she came back to 12 and lived a silent life and met my grandfather and the rest is history. Haymitch Abernathy  stays in his home drinking alcohol most of the time. I am sure he was ready to retire as a mentor but with 4 tributes we will have 3 mentors this year.Our "star-crossed lovers" are still happily married(or that's what the Capitol thinks).Katniss and Peeta fake relationship has been confusing to the districts, what was once obvious strategy has blossomed into something real,which is probably why the Capitol left them alone. I have never feared the Hunger Games before but this year ignited a new found fear within me. I always thought I can fool the careers and have a decent chance of winning if I get picked, but with 33 potential career tributes this year it is going to be, for lack of better word "bloody".

The TRUE 3rd Quarter Quell.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora