Chapter 3

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"Come on, Akira. Can't you see yourself? Your life is a mess!" Reika scolded Akira when she came back from her room in a dress that screamed party and fun. "Yes, I know, and it's a pain fixing a mess so just let me enjoy the mess" Akira sighed. She didn't need another lecture from Reika when she just received one from Yumiko.

"We just care for you Akira-chan" Yumiko added when she came into the living room with a bowl full of popcorn. The three of them planned to watch a movie until Akira decided to ditch the plan and went out of her room all ready for a night out. "Well, I probably would appreciate if you didn't and just mind your own business." Akira said irritably. She had a crappy week and all she wanted now was drink.

"You know what," she heard Reika say from behind her. Yumiko took Akira's hand and made her look at them then Reika took Akira's face in her hands,

"It's your fault that we died."

Akira woke up with a start, sweaty and panting. "A dream?" she thought. However, it didn't change the fact that she felt that way. Would she have made a difference if she stayed at home that night? The three of them knew about the death threat, and they finally decided to take it seriously. Then there she goes, on the only night that she let her guard down just because she was upset.

Reika and Yumiko should be at the morgue, being readied and dressed for the funeral. In their friendship, she always thought she would go first then fate was being a bitch with all her plot-twists decided that they both die not only leaving her behind, but also way earlier. "Weeds don't die easily, huh?" Akira mumbled as she slowly made her way to the bathroom for shopping. It would be impossible now to get her clothes now back in the house.

After calling for breakfast in her room and getting herself ready with only her black dress to wear, Akira left the hotel. The moment she stepped out of the hotel though, she stood out from the passing people who were all dressed conservatively. She looked like she just left the hotel after a one-night stand, not that she cared. That's why she's going shopping after all. It was a good thing she still had some cash on her and since the three of them already gave the landlord the down payment for the unit, they didn't have to pay for the first five months of installment. But now, all the plans written would be changed from "we" to "me." It was even an apartment big for the three of them and now she's going to have to live in it alone. She couldn't possibly take the money back now that they have already signed the lease. She remembered how Yumiko loved the kitchen, and Reika already took two rooms for herself, one for sleep and one for painting. Those two girls loved her, and she knew it because she felt the same way. How could she leave them alone knowing very well of what was coming?

And then the image of Reika splayed on the bloody table and Yumiko laying flat on the floor, both covered in their own blood and the figure that looked down on the results of his doing. Akira decided to focus on what must be done first. She couldn't possibly allow herself to walk around the streets of Miyagi cooped up in her own thoughts. But she swore the moment she ran after that man; she'll gladly sell her body and soul just to drag that person to hell with her.

At that moment two men from the police agency were tailing her. "Hey, Kageyama" Hinata Shoyo, a police officer under Tsukishima's command spoke as they walked. Today, he was with his partner Kageyama Tobio who only wore two expressions, and right now he had a frown. "What?" Kageyama replied irritably after taking a bite from his bread. Both officers have been on standby in front of Akira's hotel since 7 AM, ordered by Tsukishima which both accepted unhappily.

Tsukishima looked at his phone, it was 5:30 AM and he was in front of his laptop with a coffee beside it. He was in his own room, analyzing pictures of evidence and making his own hypothesis. He was still working, got 3 hours of sleep, and he can't believe he's taking this too seriously. Something is bothering him, he mumbles "Wait a minute, I forgot something." He knows that his room is right beside Akira's room. He called Hinata and Kageyama to tail Akira. Both woke up so early because of the phone call. "What!? Why so early!?" both answered in an irritably. They accepted it anyway.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Feb 03, 2021 ⏰

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