helping you out with your mental health (dialogue)

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So, let's start simply. How long have you been feeling guilty? Geez, that long?! Why didn't you say anything! You know you can trust me, right? ...Sorry, I shouldn't be yelling at you. Now, the best way to get over this is for you to first figure out why you're guilty. So, I'd like it if you just said to me 'I feel guilty because', and then telling me what's up. Ok?

Alright, a good start! So, I want you to know that feeling guilty is completely normal, and completely alright too! But, if you just try to ignore it, it gets worse and worse! Next up, I want you to say sorry. No, not to me, to whoever you hurt. You don't have to say it now, of course, but at least coming up with what to say is a good plan. Alright? Here, write it down.

Alright, do you have it? Wonderful! Then, tomorrow, we can go talk to them together, alright! Next part! I want you to stop feeling so awful! You made a mistake! Mistakes don't make you a bad person, YN! Everyone messes up! I mess up, you mess up, Hero, Kel, Mari, Basil and Omori mess up too! And guilt can make you talk down on yourself, but that won't make anything better.

Remember how I made you write the apology? You deserve the same kindness! So, I want you to forgive yourself. Take a deep breath, and forgive yourself. I love you so much, you know! And it's upsetting to me to see you like this, ok? So, forgive yourself. It doesn't matter how long it takes, as long as you try, alright? Cos I'm always rooting for you.

(DREAM) HERO - stress
Hey, YN, have you seen my- YN, are you alright? You seem kind of stressed out there. Want some help? I have been known to give good shoulder rubs, not to brag. Alright, cool, turn around and talk me through it! I'll see if I can help. Oh! I'll boil the kettle first, and I'll make you a warm drink, it always helps!

...So, you've been overworked, huh? I understand that. I've been overworked too before! Do you know how hard it is to babysit Kel, Aubrey and Omori all at once? Well, maybe not Omori, he's fairly responsible... But still! Relax, and I'll tell you a story really quickly!

So, Kel, Omori, Aubrey, and I were wandering around Pyrefly Forest once, and I had to keep an eye on them all the entire time because I'm the oldest. But, something you may not know about me is that I am terrified of spiders, and it's infested up there! So, I was trying to look after everyone in a dangerous forest full of spiders, and everyone, especially Kel and Aubrey, was stumbling into trouble, and I got quite stressed out. It was chaotic!

And you know what I did? I took deep breaths all day, and I had a warm bath and a cup of herbal tea when I got home. And that helped me out quite a bit. ...Hey, just a question, what time do you normally go to sleep? That late?! Really? Alright, you know what? I have an idea.

Here's the plan: you go to the kitchen and get yourself a slice of cake, because you deserve it, my darling, I'll go run you a warm bath, then I'll leave you alone until you get out and dressed again, and you can sleep in my room with me tonight. How does that sound? Nice! I'll get that running now! The cake is on the counter, made today by yours truly. And don't forget that I love you, okay?

(DREAM) BASIL - fear
H-hey, what are you doing here? Are you alright? You look kind of scared... Do you want any help? Alright, ok, I'll just sit down here. You're afraid of something. That's ok! I get scared too. Q-quite a lot, actually, hehe.

Anyway, we're all scared of something. But if you let it just stay there inside of you for too long and you don't do anything about it, it can spiral into a worse phobia! Hero has arachnophobia, Omori had arachnophobia, aquaphobia, and acrophobia, and I kinda have Athazagoraphobia too! Omori's faced his fears, and he's alright now. But Hero and I are still working on it.

So, when I'm scared, there's something I like to do. I write it down on a piece of paper first. Here, I have a notebook somewhere... Ah, here! Right, so you write it down. Just 'I'm afraid of blank' or 'I'm scared because blank', you know? Alright, got it!

𝚘𝚢𝚊𝚜𝚞𝚖𝚒 ~ 𝚘𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚒 𝚋𝚏/𝚐𝚏 𝚜𝚌𝚎𝚗𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚘𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang