"Go back inside, love," Klaus told her quietly, and Tokala remained silent. He watched as the two adults stared at each other, but after a moment, Jordyn sighed. She nodded her head, giving Klaus a pointed look that said We'll talk about this later, before she returned back into the hotel room. Once she was inside, Klaus stepped into the hallway, closing the door behind him.

There was a long moment of silence as Tokala stood to his full height, staring Klaus straight in the eyes. After the pause, Klaus shifted his stance, jaw clenching. "Where's Mercy?"

Tokala shook his head, confused all of a sudden. "Didn't she text you?" He asked, a certain tone of desperation in his voice. Klaus's eyebrows furrowed together—an obvious sign that he hadn't seen the text—before he pulled out his phone from his back pocket. Upon reading the text, Klaus's mouth fell open a little, and then he ran.

Tokala followed him to St. Anne's Church, a hollow building that was filled with more tragedy than most of New Orleans. Klaus was already in the attic when Tokala screeched to a stop behind him, his eyes widening at the sight before them.

The room was torn to shreds, blood and destruction coating the space like fresh paint. The coffin in the middle of the room was open, but nobody was inside, creating a scene fit for a horror movie. Tokala swallowed thickly, knowing that this was the place Mercy had last visited before the burn of wolfsbane formed a fire in their bond. He couldn't feel her now, and it only made the boy more fearful for what had happened here, in the room filled with blood.

Klaus turned to him, and Tokala was interested to see a certain pain in his eyes, a gasp in his throat, a glint in his eyes. It was the same feelings that were going through Tokala, and the boy was shocked to find that the two of them were on the same page in that singular moment.

"Where is she?" Klaus asked quietly, and Tokala despised the words he said next.

"I don't know."


   Jordyn worried her lip between her teeth, pacing the expanse of the hotel room a thousand times before he finally came back. When he did, the door slammed, and she ran out toward the noise to see him in complete shambles. She had never seen the infamous Klaus Mikaelson in such a state, and her heart clenched at the sight of tears in his eyes.

"Nik?" She asked slowly, and his head shot up toward where she stood. The tears had fallen, and she had never seen him look so... broken before. It was a tragic sight that tightened the grip around her vital organs.

He shook his head, his eyes unfocused. "She's gone—I didn't see... Jordyn." The way he said her name was like a plea, a man begging for a way to fix things. His voice cracked, and the tears fell faster out of his eyes. Jordyn didn't even realize that she had stepped forward until she was standing right in front of him, looking into his blue eyes—brighter by the cause of the tears.

"Nik, I don't understand—" She tried to say, but he collapsed to his knees, wrapping his arms around her waist as if she was the only thing holding him to this world. She automatically allowed her hands to fall on his head, brushing her fingers through his curled hair as a way to somehow calm him down. It was useless though, and his sobs racked through her stomach, where he had buried his face. She shook her head, trying to gain his attention. "I'm lost. I though that everything was okay?"

Her words didn't have the desired effect, because he shot to his feet, shaking his head so fast that she could barely see it as he backed away from her. It was like she was suddenly poison to him, and even when she reached forward toward him, he avoided her grasp.

"Nothing's okay," he whispered, looking to the ground intensely. "I failed her. I failed them both, and now they're enduring who knows what because I couldn't pull out my bloody phone and read a text."

r.i.p to my youth &lt;&lt;&gt;&gt; mercy mikaelsonOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz