Horses and Home-Schooling.

Start from the beginning

"I don't like the idea at all. I have thought about it... He isn't doing it."

"Well I disagree. I think it will be lovely for him." I answer, turning the laptop back to myself and clicking through the slideshow of pictures. "It will give him some valuable lessons, its not just riding, its helping groom, feed and wash. It will teach him responsibility, not to mention give him confidence and a chance to mingle with other children."

"I don't want him going near anyone. This fucking virus is dangerous enough but now you wanna put him on a horse.." He growls shaking his head.

"So what is the plan? Make him stay in? Keep him away from everyone? Put the boy in a bubble?" I ask putting the laptop down.

"I'd rather that then have him in a hospital bed. I thought you of all people would understand, considering his birth."

The remark sets me on edge and if I had heckles, they would be up. I push up off the couch, and begin tidying up as Zak sighs. "I didn't mean that.."

"No, you did." I bite back. "I remember every second of our son being in hospital, I was in there too. Remember?"

"Don't get moody."

I scoff. "Don't get moody? This virus is taking enough from us. But do you know what keeps me awake at night? What churns around in my mind? How keeping our son inside this house for months at a time will affect him in the long run? He asks me every day, why can't he see his friends? I'm video calling them on the laptop just so he can speak with them, whilst you're at work! So yeah, I want him to do the horse riding, why not? If it gives him something to get really excited about and look forward to, why the hell not? Who are we to deny him of happiness?"

"We are his parents, we get to decide what happens and if it keeps him from harm then that is what we do."

"And how do you know that we aren't causing him harm now? Not physical, but mental?"

Zak frowns. "Don't be ridiculous. Theo is always happy."

"And his meltdown the other week? Was that completely normal for you?"

I watch him shift on the couch, he is uncomfortable because it was the first time he had witnessed Theo lose it. Whilst our son is a happy little boy, he also has his moments like any child. His energy isn't being used up, and there is only so much in a day that I can do with him and stick to what Zak wants, keeping him away from other people.

"No, obviously not."

"He is content, yes. But he isn't using that energy in him. He isn't being able to run off all that steam."

"So you think it's a good idea? To let him out there.." He gestures to Vegas.

"For a riding lesson, on a pony, with your mom, social distancing and getting fresh air? Yeah."

He shakes his head, this time he is more angry, but I stand by my guns.

"Theo needs to be active, you're working Zak, I work too."

"So you want to risk our son, so you can look at the laptop more?"

My eyes almost bug out. "To find locations for you to work, you mean? To keep you happy? To do that as well as keep this house going? I'm not risking him, for anything, I'm looking at the bigger picture and if you're so concerned about Vegas and infection rates of it's people , why the hell are we still living here?"

"Now you want to move away?"

I almost scream, but instead, I take a breath. "No... What I am trying to say, is the world is trying to carry on. Vegas is busy, it always has and will be. But people are having to get on with their lives. You are back at work, you're greeting people, going away, getting on with it. Why can't Theo?"

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