Chapter 47 Attack Everywhere

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"What's the statis?" Sirzechs asks.

"Not good. Magicians, machines, and many kind of groups have been take locations very quickly." Ajuka says.

"And what about Wilson? Has he been seen?" Sirzechs asks.

"No. It's like he's not anywhere. With those barriers set up, it'll be difficult to determine where he is." Serafall says.

"The important matter is that we have to take them down." Sirzechs says.

"Yes, but the problem is that we don't have many forces to spread out. Unless we get help from the other fractions, we're doomed." Azazel says.

"And what about the Khaos Brigade? Have they shown up to begin attacking?" Sirzechs asks.

"No. Must be because they are planning a sneak attack or something." Azazel says.

"We need all hands on deck. I suggest we ask assistances. No doubt the other fractions are noticing what Wilson is doing." Michael says.

"It's best if we begin to start around places that we can take." Serafall says.

"But I doubt it will be that easy. The moment we attack, reinforcements will come. Most likely those machines." Azazel says.

"And if they manage to take the whole world, heaven and the underworld will be next." Sirzechs says.

"Odin is already preparing his forces. And is mostly likely asking Loki for assistance." Azazel states.

*Asgard Prison*
"Me? Help you save the world?" Loki laughs.

"This is a serious matter. I bet even ragnork couldn't compete with this war." Odin says.

"Oh? Are you willing to let me bring Ragnarok just to stop those weaklings?" Loki asks.

"As a last resort. Unless you can't handle it on your own." Odin says.

"I can take them. Just set me free and I'll bring them down." Loki smirks.

"There'll be no use in hiding. No doubt they have every inch being inspected. Even the Khaos Brigade will have some trouble." Odin says.

"What do you take me for old man? I am a god. Those lesser mythologies and humans are nothing. Even with those machines." Loki says.

"Be careful. It might come back to bite you." Odin says.

"Oh we'll see." Loki says.

Odin sets Loki free.

Loki appears in the sky and destroys the barrier. The soldiers begin to open fire at Loki. Loki kills the soldiers with his magic. Ancient Gear Wyverns and Ancient Gear Hydras begin to fly towards Loki. Loki fires lightning magic to destroy the ancient gears.

"This is what everyone was afriad?" Loki asks.

"Actually." a female says.

" a female says

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