Chapter 5

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One week later, Harry stretches in his own bed, content, and smiling up at his ceiling.

The morning had been, well, perfect, really. Mondays are quickly becoming his favourite day of the week, regardless of whether they're spent at Louis' place or here.

He gets up quietly, careful not to wake Louis who has dozed off, and tiptoes his way across the room.

"Get me a drink?"

The moment he hears Louis' words, he stops and looks over his shoulder. Louis is sprawled naked on his bed and looks particularly fine after a round of early-morning sex, hair disheveled and face utterly relaxed.

"You look good," Harry tells him as he turns around, rests his naked hip against the doorjamb. His eyes travel over Louis' chest to his cock, still soft, resting against his thigh.

Louis is giving him the same slow once-over. "Same goes for you," he says. His eyes turn mischievous. "Now please, get us something to drink and then get back in bed."

"Why," he asks, just the hint of a challenge in his voice. "What you gonna do to me?"

Louis shakes his head. "Stop being cheeky and get going."

Harry smiles widely. "So you don't have a plan then?"

"I can't think up plans when I'm thirsty!"

Harry turns around to wiggle his bum at Louis. "No plans for this?"

He squeaks when a pillow hits him right in the bum. Louis is laughing. "Oh my god," he wheezes, making hand motions as if to shoo Harry away. "Go. Just go, you giant dork."

The giggles escape all on their own, the sheer happiness Louis is exuding like some trigger. Instead of leaving he heads over to the bed, climbs on it quickly until his smiling mouth is pressed against Louis' equally smiling one.

"Where's my water?" Louis asks through his laughter.

"Didn't bring any," Harry murmurs. Then he drops is voice comically deep, "got something else for you, though."

He has to look down at his cock pointedly for Louis to get the joke. Once he does, he howls with laughter, curling into a flailing ball under Harry. "Stop!" Louis pleads with tears in his eyes. "Oh my god, I swear you're hereby banned from dirty talk. You suck at it."

Harry waggles his eyebrows. "Suck at other things, too."

"Stop," Louis coughs out, clutching his tummy and weakly trying to push Harry away. "No seriously, stop. You'll regret this later."

"Yeah? Gonna punish me?"

Louis is still laughing, but something flashes in his eyes. "Don't give me ideas."

Harry flops down on him, starfishing on top of Louis who tries and fails to free himself. "What?" Harry starts, peppering the side of his face with soggy kisses. "Gonna make me do stuff? Like make me get you water? How boring."

"Oh my god, you're disgusting!" Louis shrieks when Harry accidentally gets his tongue in Louis' ear. "It's like you were raised by wolves."

Harry pulls back and blows gently into Louis' wet ear. Louis screams and flails and Harry moves back when Louis' limbs start connecting with his soft bits.

He opens his mouth, but Louis clamps a hand over it. "No," he says firmly, pulling a face when Harry slobbers all over his palm. "No more bad dirty talk. Now please, get me a drink. Or get off me so I can get it myself."

Harry nips at Louis' palm, noticing how they're pressed together from head to toe, gloriously naked. He shifts, smile turning wolfish. "You're hard again."

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