"Speaking of champs—congrats on becoming the Unova Champ, mate!"

(E/c) eyes stare into the man's amber before they begin laughing once more.

"You're a little too late. Have been Champion for a few years now."

"Yes, and in those few years we've yet to see you. I think it's high-time to give a proper celebration don't you think?" They huff before landing a light punch to his chest.

"You don't have to do that."

"No no. I want to."

"Don't let this opportunity slip, (Y/n)! We need to make the most of this while we can!" Sonia presses. (Y/n) was never one for parties but seeing both her friends adamantly agree to the idea is something that they couldn't bring themselves to reject.

"Fine," they concede with a sigh. "But don't get ahead of yourselves. We're keeping it small."

Both nod happily. Even though Leon and Sonia are relatively private people, they weren't above going wild at grand parties.

"I also think it's high-time that we have a battle for old times sake!" (Y/n) huffs at his enthusiasm.

"Always the one to jump right into it, yeah?" Ah, well, it's not like I didn't see it coming." They shrug as a smug smile grows on their face.

"I'm sure Hop gave you the Mega Stones?" Leon's eyes grow as he is reminded of this. In his excitement for meeting (Y/n), he had forgotten about the items in his possession. Fishing them out of his pocket he showcases them to the two in the room. Sonia gasps, the academic in her rears its head.

"A Charizardite X?! These stones are so rare to find! How'd you get your hands on them?! Her verdant irises analyze the items. The ex-champion hands them to the professor to further examine to which she does with vigor.

"During my time in Kalos, I came across a hiker that was selling ore. It happened to be within the bunch." Crossing their arms, (Y/n) lulls their head to the side. "It's been sitting in my bag for a while and that's just a waste." They jut a thumb toward the violet-haired man. "There's only one person I know that has a Charizard."

"It's nice to know that you think of me whenever Charizard is a topic."

"Hmm. My colleagues like to drag me on escapades after the League challenges end. So, I've been dragged into helping study Mega Evolution."

"You said that you didn't find out anything new?" Sonia asks. She was fully aware of the work her childhood friend had been doing but had never gotten close to an artifact closely linked to the profound Evolution.

"We haven't. The stones are a thing we've known about for a while, there just isn't a whole lot of information about Mega Evolution's history. As much as I'd like to explain further, we'd be here all day. Plus, it'd be better to learn first-hand right?"

"Go on then," she agrees giving the item back to Leon and they head out the room and down the stairs.

As the trio make their way out the house, they join with Hop and Magnolia. The younger brother was busy tossing a ball out to the slew of pokémon that occupied the field. (Y/n) and Leon both had released their teams for some exercise, and it looked like they were having a blast. Most of them were passing the play-thing around before returning it to the teen while Magnolia stood elsewhere leisurely waving a feather toy at Babe and Yamper.

Noticing the pokémon's attention being shifted away from the ball causes the boy to follow their line of sight.

"Done having your convo already?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2021 ⏰

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