My twin took a music hiatus not long after then made her name in fashion and beauty.

I'm 27 years old and it's about time that I make people see me for me.

I shake my head as I look at my sister, "I've heard it all before and I'll keep on hearing it so there's no point in crying."

"That's right." Robyn rubs my back. "Things will get better for you once you drop the baggage."

"Zayn and I are barely dating." I try to defend myself and Robyn gives me a look.

"You guys have been on and off for four years." Robyn purses her lips at me. "Either you get a ring in the next few months or you drop that guy because he is doing nothing but bringing you down. Don't forget that he broke up with you just to record a song with Onika."


Zayn: we're good over here, luv

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Zayn: we're good over here, luv.

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Robyn's words really stuck with me because I needed someone to tell me that. My dysfunctional relationship with Zayn has been making news for all the wrong reasons and everybody always told me to give him another chance.

Zayn is the first man that I have ever loved so it didn't take much convincing to let him out of the dog house. The issue is that I have changed during the duration of our relationship and I do not like the shell of a person that I have become.

"Our anniversary is coming up." Zayn tells me as I take a long sip of wine. Instead of heading out to a fancy restaurant for date night, we decided to order some Carribbean food to my house.

"Really?" I raise a brow at him.

At this point in our relationship, we don't celebrate any anniversaries since we are always breaking up and making up.

"Five years in a month." He continues as he spoons some rice onto his plate. "Do you want to go on a trip to celebrate?"

I look at him weirdly, "Why would we celebrate?"

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I look at him weirdly, "Why would we celebrate?"

"It's our five year anniversary." He taps my leg with the spoon. "Anyways, I thought you girls cared about that shit."

"I would if we had been together for five years but we haven't. We have been on and off for most of our relationship." I take a bite of my plantain and do a little dance at how good it tastes. "Pass me the chili."

Zayn hands me the chili and I pour some on my plate before dipping the rest of the plantain onto it.

"Even we're not together, we're always in contact so I think it's worth celebrating. Besides, I got the date tattooed on my ribs and it was painful as fuck." He winks at me and I roll my eyes. "If not for our relationship, we can celebrate for the time that we have known eachother."

"If you insist." I finish off the plantain before picking up my jerk chicken. "By the way, we've known eachother for eight years."

"Look how far we've come." Zayn leans forward and tenderly kisses my lips. "Who would have thought that we'd still be kicking it?"

"Not me, that's for sure."

"You need to give us more credit." Zayn starts rubbing his lips and I smirk as I remember the chili I previously had. "I never cheated on you."

"Ok." I look down at the chicken before taking a big bite out of it.

"I have cheated on my previous girlfriends but never you." Zayn places his hand on my thigh. "I promise."

After I finish chewing, I look into his eyes. "You say that now but you cheated on another girl with me."

When Zayn and I first started hooking up, I was not aware that he was in a relationship with someone from London. We were in our early stages still trying figure eachother out so we're showcasing our newfound romance to the world.

I only found out that he had a girlfriend when I flew to England to surprise him at Wireless where he was set to perform. I remember heading backstage and jumping into his arms, ignoring everybody as I kissed him. 

This girl pulled me off and started going off on me. It was a whole fiasco and I almost got into a physical fight with the ex since she kept coming for me. 

"And I regret that till this day." Zayn sighs. "I should have ended things with her once I realised that I had feelings for you."

"Then why didn't you?" I ask while pouring some chili onto my chicken.

"You never really gave me the impression that you wanted me and in a way, I didn't want to get my hopes up." Zayn shrugs his shoulders. "Didn't want you breaking my heart." 

"But it was ok for you to break your ex's heart?" I look at his face which looks slightly troubled. "Zayn the heart-breaker."

"I love you." Zayn responds as he looks into my eyes. "That's all that matters."

Ramira FentyWhere stories live. Discover now