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Walking in the room you were a little scared seeing as all the men were quite intimidating, but still you found your way to a chair in the back of the room and sat on it.

"This man's name is Trezon Acilteo, he hasn't payed up his debt so i'd like Melone and Prosciutto to go together and retrieve the money. I have another mission for Illuso and Formaggio to go and 'talk some sense' into another one of our customers. Any further questions?" Risotto spoke while handing out files with data containing the mission on them. "Why do I have to go with Formaggio out of anyone here?" Illuso said with a sigh. "Shut up Michael Jackson wannabe" Formaggio snapped back. "Shut up, both of you." Risotto spoke, standing up. The others stood up as well and made their way to get ready leaving you, Risotto, Pesci and Ghiaccio.

You stay seated and fiddle with your fingers, you didn't know what do do. "H-hey y/n if you're okay do you want to help me fish?" Pesci said rather nervously. You perked up "Sure! But why are you fishing I thought prosciutto said that you guys normally eat out or order something." You said. "Oh gosh I don't eat the fish I catch, I just do it as a hobby. I let them swim free after." He replied. "Ohh, I see." You said as you giggled causing him to flinch a little.

Once you were outside next to a small lake in the rather large garden, you were excited but also confused as to what you were meant to do. "I- err, I've never been fishing before Pesci so I don't know what to do.." you said rather embarrassed. "Ohh okay, well pick up that rod and copy my movements." He said happily. You picked up the rod next to you but you didn't know where his was, that was until he called it out. "Your fishing rod is your stand?!" You said rather surprised. "Y-yes..." He said, quite sadly. "That's so cool!" You said cheerfully, you were like a little kid. Pesci's face lit up, no one had ever thought his stand was cool before.

After trying many times to copy Pesci you got rather upset and tired of trying. "I can't do ittt and plus I can't even see any fish!" You said falling onto your back exhausted. "It's all about patience, y/n" Pesci said. You jumped when you heard a ringing noise coming from pesci's pocket. "O-oh it's bro, be right back y/n!" he walked off holding his phone to his ear and speaking. Now out of sight, you turn your attention back to the lake. "I can't catch anything it's too hard" You said rather angrily. But then out of nowhere you see a glimpse of something. "OOH! I'm sure that if I catch this then Pesci will be impressed!" You said turning towards your rod. "But I can't even control this properly... well, maybe i can just grab it and say that i used the rod! I'm sure he won't be able to tell." You said sneakily. You came closer to the edge of the lake sticking your hand out slowly.

"Come onnn, nearly there." You said stretching out even more. Until you were stunned by a loud voice. "Oi bitch, that's pretty deep I wouldn't go do that if i were you" Turning your head to see Ghiaccio. "Heh, it doesn't look deep! and plus it's not that far away so i doubt i'll fall in." You replied. "Tsk." Seeing Ghiaccio turn you quickly spin around to the lake again but the fish was gone. "Noo where'd it go?" You said inspecting the side of the lake. You push some long grass out of the way and you see it. "Aha!" You shouted, but not loud enough that it would scare away the fish. You lean back out but stumble a little.

Moving to the right you crouch over some slippery algae, causing you to lose your balance. "W-wait!-" You fell forwards straight into the lake, plummeting to the bottom. 'Tsk, I told her it was slippery, stupid moron.' Ghiaccio thought, watching the water stop rippling. You try to swim upwards but you feel something holding you steady to the bottom. Looking down you see that some seaweed wrapped around your foot. You tried undoing it but it was too slippery and you couldn't. 'Shit this is bad, i need air.' You thought.

Having it been a minute or so since you had fallen in, Ghiaccio was wondering what you were doing in there. Rolling his eyes he thought that maybe you were still trying to catch the fish, that was until more and more ripples started forming along the water top as well as bubbles. You couldn't hold your breath anymore, you were desperately trying to get help by shouting and screaming but nothing could be heard. Ghiaccio eventually figured out what you were doing and quickly jumped over the bush he was stood behind and jumped in after you.

He tugged the seaweed from your ankle and picked you up. He tossed you onto the ground and climbed out. You were both soaked, and he was furious. He was about to scream at you but realised that you passed out due to lack of oxygen. He sighed and picked you up bridle style. He walked back into the manor and placed you onto the couch. Grabbing a towel, he threw it over you and left you there, the sun beaming on your face.

Though he hated you, he had to admit that you were extremely pretty. But he would never ever tell a living soul, nor you for that matter. He turned around and walked into his room to get cleaned up. Also informing Pesci about the incident on the way to his room. Pesci freaked out and ran to your side on the couch, placing blankets on you to keep you warm.

You opened your eyes a little seeing the sun shine in your eyes. 'Note to self' You thought, 'Thank Ghiaccio later' You then closed your eyes again. Pesci began to panic thinking you were dying.

Ghiaccio, mmm yes gotta love a bit of ghiaccio. i have a massive exam question that's due in today (it's 1am rn) and i haven't done it yet ummm yeah lol rip me </3

-a very panicky kyra

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