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Waking up you were aching and sore. You were trying to remember what happened to you, then it all came back. Your heart began to ache, pained and hurt that Ethan left you. And especially like that. You take a deep breath and sigh. You were about to rub your eyes but realised they were pinned down. "What-?" You turn your attention to your wrists and see that they're tied up to a chair. Desperately trying to move and break lose you also find out you're tied around your waist too.

"What the fuck.." You keep struggling until the chair begins to rock and tumble, falling down to it's side. "Damn it." You rest your head against the cold floor, tilting it as you inspect the room. There was only one light above your head, though it barely even helped, it was extremely dark. And not to mention cold, where were you? "Oh god.. don't tell me the security caught me, I thought they were all dead." You said, slightly whispering.

"Correct, they died." You whipped your head to the side seeing a rather familiar figure. "W-wait, you look like-" You were cut off. "Yes, I was the one who spoke to you in the café." They came out of the dark, once again showing their blue, short and curly hair. "Why am I here, what do you want from me?!" You spat out, you were acting brave although you were terrified. "Shut up you damn bitch, if you don't stop talking then-" He was cut off, this time by someone who you had never seen before, their appearance scared you. "Stop. I'll do the talking, go back upstairs with the others. I'll come back up when i'm done." He said, though you could only see him in the corner of your eye. You were on the floor and couldn't move your head that well. "Fine." The blue man said, disappearing off into the shadows again.

"Well? What do you want with me..." You stuttered. "I just need to ask a few questions. However, if your answers do not please me then you will be severely punished. Do you understand?" His low, raspy voice was similar to Ethans, but at the same time, it was nothing alike. "Y-yes.." You said, still scared of the man. "Good." He walked out of the shadows, showing his outfit and face more clearly. 'What's going on with his eyes?! Are they contacts? What the hell' You thought, not even noticing you were staring. "Staring is rude, know your place." He said with hints of venom. "A-ah sorry.."

He lifted your chair back up onto it's legs. "You are in the mafia, correct?" He stated. "Y-yes." "The Avawas?" You flinched at the name, yes it was the gang's name but it was Ethan's last name, after all he was the capo. "Yes.." "Alright, what were you doing with the scorpion gang's safe?" He said, staring directly into your eyes coldly. "I- i was filling in for one of my gang's members, my boyf- I-i mean boss, asked me to fill in so i did and it ended up being a ruse, causing me to get the blame." You said facing the floor, the aching in your heart coming back again. "So you were on a mission to steal it?" He said, now sitting in a chair opposite, facing directly at you. "Yes." Why were you so inclined to answer this man truthfully? Surely he was no threat? After all he hasn't harmed you and he must've been the one to kill the security.

He hummed and clapped his hands together, then the mood changed suddenly. "Your stand, what is it." He said. "M-my stand?" You said rather worriedly. "Did I stutter?" "N-no... but I don't have one.." You said looking back up at him. "Not the answer i'm looking for, I do remember telling you there would be consequences. He stood up and his expression changed instantly, "I want an actual answer." He spat out. "I-" Suddenly a roaring sharp pain shot up your throat. You tried speaking but it only caused you more pain. You felt blood seep out from your mouth, then like a wave, a whole bunch of it came out. "A-AH!!" you managed to say. You were crying, insane pain swelled throughout your throat and mouth. Then out of nowhere, you started coughing up blood feeling you lip being sliced as you do. You gasp for air as it's hard to breathe, blood filling your lungs. "I-I'M SERIOUS! PLEASE!-" once again cut off by coughing up blood and what seemed like- razor blades?!

All of a sudden the pain stopped, you gasped for air. Still spitting and choking on blood. "P-please you have to believe me.. I don't have a stand- i'm always the look out! please.." You were crying a river, what was this torture?! And the pain was like a pain you've never experienced before. "But you can see stands right?" He said walking around you slowly, inspecting you. "Yes, it's been like this ever since i was a child. I've never had a stand.." He quickly spun your chair around and stuck his face directly towards yours, inches apart.

A minute or so had passed and he finally moved, walking back into the shadows leaving you there covered in your blood and tears. You sniffle and squeeze your eyes, until an idea hits you. 'The knife!' You had forgotten that you had left it up in your sleeve since the fight. You slowly slide it out and grab it, cutting through the rope that had you locked in place. Breaking your right hand free, you quickly begin to slice through the other rope on your left hand, then the same on your waist. You hadn't thought about what you were going to do now. You jump out of your seat, (though rather cautiously because you were still in quite some pain) limping over towards a table you collapse. You barely had any energy left, not to mention you were running low on blood and would probably die soon if you didn't do something about it. Your vision was starting to blur and spin, making you feel nauseous.

But putting that aside, you stumble over into the shadows, where you could faintly see an outline of a door. You lean in to grab the knob but is stopped by the door swinging back open. And to your demise, it was the torture man himself, along with the blue haired man from the café. You stumble backwards. "I- I-" You quickly grab out the knife and wave it at them. "I'll use this! Now let me out of here!" The two men look at each other, then back at you. "I guess you really don't have a stand do you." The torture man said. He sighed and slapped your wrist, causing the knife to go flying. "No!" You turn your head towards the knife that was thrown then back at the men. Then, to make it even worse- "EW! WHAT THE FUCK!" the blue haired man screamed. You vomited, a mixture of blood and sick covered the blue haired man's white coat.

You could see that the torture man had used him as a shield and knew that you were going to throw up. He sighed and pushed him to the side. "BOSS YOU'RE GOING TO KILL HER RIGHT?!" the blue hair man yelled, again. He seemed more polite in the café. "No, i'm going to use her to our advantage. She has information about the Avawas" The torture man said. "She's in the mafia? And she was in the Avawas?? No way, that's bullshit." The blue haired man said. The torture man sighed and turned towards you. "I'll get Pros to fix her wounds, then i'll get her to tell us what she knows." He said, "And if she doesn't tell us?" The blue haired man said back. "I'll just kill her, i'm not stupid." He said rather angrily. "A-ah, of course boss." They both left the room, leaving you there puzzled, scared, sick and in pain.

You turned around and sat back in the chair, you needed to sit down before you passed out and hit your head on something. You looked at your hands then back towards the door when you heard it open back up again. This time a blonde man emerged from the shadows. He sat down next to you with a med kit. "This is fucking disgusting" He muttered to himself. "I- i'm sorry, if you leave the med kit here i can do it myself if you prefer." You say. He looked up at you and sighed. "No, I was ordered to do this, but thanks i guess." He said looking back down at your dried blood on your thigh.

You sit there quietly, coughing now and then. If it weren't for the circumstances then you would've thought this man to be attractive. Breaking the awkward silence the blonde spoke. "So i'm told you don't have a stand?" Still keeping his attention on the wound. "Y-yes" you replied. "Odd, I've never met someone who sees stands but doesn't have one before." You nod and look to the side, "My name is Prosciutto by the way." You were surprised he told you his name. "I don't feel threatened by you seeing as you don't have a stand" He said, you huff in response. "M-my name is y/n" you said, i mean you were probably gonna die here so no point in hiding it. "Cool" He said,  finishing up the wounds, he also placed restraints on you hands behind your back. "Huh! What was that for?" You said. "Sorry" He sighed, "just orders i was given" He brushed his hands and began to walk out. "Oh yeah, nice cape by the way" He then disappeared and shut the door behind him leaving you alone again. You smiled a bit to his gesture. You got a feeling that you'd probably be here for a while.

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