Chapter 26

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Addison's POV
Walking out of Chick-fil-a I was pulled to the side of the building in between chick-fil-a and another restaurant.

I tried to scream but whoever had me had covered my mouth.

"Hello Gorgeous, did you miss me?" I immediately got goosebumps and a cold shiver down my spine. I knew exactly who this was.

They removed their hand from my mouth and I tried to get away. "What are you doing here! Leave me alone!" I tried pulling away from him.

"What's the problem? Don't you miss me?" He asked again. "No Caden I don't miss you! Let me go!" I kept trying to pull away but his grip was too strong.

Caden Patrick Hart. Better known as Addisons abusive ex to the public eye and Cade to anyone who knows him. I thought by leaving Louisiana I was free from him. That I would never see him again. Why is he in LA?!

"Hey Addison, is everything okay over here?!" A worker from chick-fil-a, Logan, saw us. He knows my name cause I come here like 4 times a week and you know "Yeah we're just fine."

"I'm sorry sir but I want to hear it from Addison." He said looking at me with the same question.

"Call him. Call him right now." I was able to get out before Cade covered my mouth again. I saw Logan run inside to call Bryce.

"Who is he calling? Huh Addison?" Who is he calling?" At this point I had lost the food and Cade was holding onto me so tight that it hurt. He was holding me from behind with one hand over my mouth and the other around my waist.

"Well whoever it is, is gonna love to see you getting fucked in an alleyway wouldn't they?" I screamed but his hand is still covering my mouth. No one can here me.

He pulled me closer to him and I can feel his little friend rubbing against me and I was immediately grossed out.

Bryce please. Im begging you come quickly.

Bryce's POV
After helping Lucas reach the sink in the bathroom and setting him back up on the game he was playing, I got a call. Not from anyone. From Logan. Logan is mine and Addison's friend that works at chick-fil-a. Why would he be calling me?

"Yo Logan what's up?" I answered the phone. "Bryce you need to get here immediately. Some guy has Addison in the alleyway. She told me to call you. I already called the police and they're on their way." I immediately started to panic. "I'm on my way."

"Hey Lucas Im gonna be right back okay?" I said to him trying to me calm and then made my way to Josh's room.

"Nessa?" I asked coming into their room and interrupting their make out session.

"Really Bryce? What do you want?" Josh asked annoyed. "Addison's in trouble I need you guys to watch Lucas. He's playing video games in my room, he might get hungry and if he uses the bathroom he needs help to reach the sink afterwards, but I need to go right now." I explained to them.

"Yeah you're good go." Nessa immediately answered and got up to keep an eye on Lucas.

I got in the car and drove as fast as I could to chick-fil-a. There was an ambulance and 4 police cars. Oh my god.

Where is she?

I don't see her.

I got out of the car and ran over to the alleyway only to be stopped by a cop.

"Sir you can't go over there." He started. "My girlfriend! Where is she?! Is she okay?! Where's Addison?!" I yelled.

"Bryce!" Logan called me into the restaurant. I went inside. "Where is she bro?" I asked him.

"She's in the ambulance but before you go over there there's something you should know." He said seriously. "What?" I asked.  "Bryce, they pulled her out of that alley naked. She was raped." He told me.

"No. Not Addison. Not my baby." I rambled walking out of the restaurant making my way to the cop car that whoever did this to her was in.

"You did this to her! You did this! It's your fault! (a/n: omg i'm cracking up, get a grip marshall....iykyk)  She better be okay you piece of shit!" I was able to yell at him before the cop pulled me away.

I shook off the cop and make my way to the ambulance. There she was. She had scratches and blood all over her. Wrapped in blankets. Shaking. Sitting up with her head down low. My poor baby.

"Baby?" I whispered. Nothing. "Adds?" I called her again. "Please Baby, talk to me. Are you okay?" I reached my hand to touch her face and she flinched at my hand.

"It's just me Baby. You're okay now. You're okay. It's just me." I told her before sitting next to her with my leg behind her. She leaned into me and started crying.

"Do you want me to call your mom?" I asked rubbing her back. She nodded but when I reached for my phone she pushed my hand down so that I couldn't use it. "Can it wait until after the kit is done?" I nodded before kissing her head and holding her tight.

"Do you know who it was or was it a random person?" I asked. "It was Cade..." She whispered.

someone scream in the middle of trader joe's and then pointed at my hoodie....props to that person :)

also i made a joke on my announcements saying that if 45 people sent me a dollar i could get another case of ani energy but i then i thought that it was a good idea to ask for my aunts birthday present instead. if 150 people send me a dollar i can get my aunty what she wants for her birthday. please consider it i really want to be the person to get it for her.

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