Jack glanced at me. I knew he was thinking about it. He wanted me to be happy, but he didn't want to lose me.

"What if they can take me home, and you can come with me?" I said.

He looked at me.

"You saved my life," I said. "I can convince them to let you come with me."

"My home is here," he said. "In the ocean."

"I'm not going anywhere without you!" I said.

"Then I guess you're not going home, are you?" Jack said.

I knew he was trying to get me to leave, and he'd decided to let me go. But something inside of me didn't want to leave if it meant I'd never see him again.

I interlocked my fingers with his, and I smirked at him.

"Yeah," I said. "I guess so."

He gave me a confused expression, which quickly vanished as the Black Pearl started to turn, and he nearly fell off the crow's nest from how off-balance he was.

The ship slowly turned in an attempt to avoid the incoming airship. But we couldn't avoid getting close, and the airship shot lines at the ship, hitting it in the side, and keeping it from moving.

"Now what?" I said.

"Do as I do," Jack said. "No matter what happens, don't try to stop me."

He started climbing down the ladder, and I followed him.

Soon, we were on the deck, and, when we looked up, Atlesian soldiers were making their way to the deck. They aimed their weapons at the pirates, who were outnumbered almost immediately.

General Ironwood came down, and walked up to the captain.

"Captain Elton?" he said.

Elton scowled. "General."

Ironwood turned to his men. "Bring them aboard."

The soldiers grabbed the pirates, including Jack and me, and I was immediately pulled away from Jack.

"Wait!" I shouted.

Ironwood turned to me.

"I want to stay with him!" I shouted.

Ironwood looked at Jack, and then to me.

"Ignore her," he said.

"No!" I shouted. "I want to stay with Jack!"

"General's orders, love," Jack said. "Just let it go."

But I wouldn't take that for an answer. I slammed my elbow against the soldier holding me, and ran to Jack, pulling him into an embrace.

Soldiers ran to grab me, but I glared at them, and held Jack tight.

"I won't fight back if you let me stay with him," I said.

I wasn't sure why, but I couldn't leave Jack. I didn't feel safe without him. After everything I'd gone through, he was the only thing that gave me a sense of security.

Ironwood grumbled in anger. "Let the lovebirds stay together."

I started blushing.

"More like guardian," Jack corrected.

An hour later, Jack and I were being pushed through the halls of the airship, Jack in cuffs, while I just held his hand tight.

Soon, we were brought to a prison block.

RWBY: Pirates of the Caribbean [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now