Chapter 1.

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I screamed as Draco started to drag me downstairs from my room in which I confined myself in.
"STOP DRACO, GET OF ME" I shouted trying my best to push him away. Draco's head turned to look at me "Now that is no way to speak to your brother, now is it Celia!" He muttered as I saw the corners of his lips being tugged upwards.

I never thought I would be as happy as I was in this moment to return back to Hogwarts. Yes I disobeyed my father. I slapped him across the face, as he was simply not listening to a word I had to say. Resulting in me storming off to my room but then moments later I find my self being dragged back down by my brother. Draco found it funny when I got in trouble, he was always the 'Perfect' one and I hated it, I hated how they favoured him over me, it was totally unfair so of course I am going to go against them.

Closer and closer I was being pulled towards the room my father was in and Soon we reached it, I wasn't prepared for what he was going to say to me. Lucius my father sat arms folded with a stone cold glare set upon me that would make anyone who saw it stop in their track like a deer in headlights.
The room in which I so promptly left had a medium to long dark brown oak table, with a deep brown gloss coat all over it. Black puffy chairs lined on each side. Each individual chair had a death eater. All watching, all staring.
I gulped, In my moment of fury I forgot everything that was around me and everyone.

"HOW DARE YOU" Lucius boomed making me flinch the tiniest bit but I composed myself standing up straight to face him.

Without thinking I just started to yell.
"YOU DESERVED IT, NOT EVEN LISTENING OR CARING TO YOUR OWN DAUGHTER AND WHAT I WANT YOU ONLY THINK OF YOURSELF"I nearly screamed earning everyone's attention and look to set upon me.

This argument started, well I say argument I mean me slapping the living hell out of my father. He wanted me to 'Become' a death eater. In all honesty I didn't want to even though pretty much everyone in my family was one. I knew they would never understand why. I just wanted to be a normal girl and live a normal life. I knew that would never happen, nothing in my life ever seems to be normal it's far from it.

"Celia I assure you that I care deeply but you disobeying me, not wanting to be one of us it's unacceptable" Lucius stated in a surprisingly calm manner as he entwined his fingers together.

I knew I would never get through to my father or even most of my family, so what was the point. Everyone stared intensely waiting for me to say something. Anything. I then thought of something, something I would never say to my father but I was angry. I knew I would get in trouble. The consequences of what I was about to say we're uncertain but I had to otherwise I would never say it.


I can't believe what I just said, instantly regretting it, but I meant it. My father started with his mouth ajar in disbelief of what I just screamed. Draco staring intensely and my mother well she just turned away from me. Realising what I just did I turned around and faced my back to everyone. I sensed eyes peering at me. Still silence. I left every one shocked and speechless.

"CELIA" Lucius yelled. I jumped a little, I had to say something to calm him down even if it wasn't in truth.

"Father I - I."I stammered.
"I didn't mean that-"
Oh boy was I in trouble.

"You understand you will have to have some form of punishment even if you are going back to school tomorrow" Lucius said with a cold tone not once braking eye contact with me.

"I understand" I said. There was no point in saying anything else. I would just dig a bigger hole for my self.
I looked around the table of death eaters still looking at me. I then turned my gaze upon one person who I despise. His onyx eyes looking deeply into mine. He looked speechless with the anger I displayed as if he couldn't believe I was capable of such . His black hair shaping his face like curtains. His jawline clenched and lips purced. The lighting in the room defined his features and made him stand out. The potions professor. I tore my eyes from him, still feeling him looking at me. I ignored it, and looked back at my father.

"Since you go back to school tomorrow I will have to think of a punishment more suitable that you can serve outside school time." Lucius said in a cold manner.

"Perhaps not Lucius" Snape sneered. "What is it Severus" Lucius Snapped. "Miss Malfoy can serve detention all year, scrubbing, cleaning floors and equipment" Severus said cruelly as a smirk threatened to pull on his lips.

"Well Celia that is your punishment, I'm sure you will hate it" Lucius sniggered as if he found it funny that his daughter would be doing manual labor nearly all year.

I stormed out of the room, huffing and puffing. I couldn't believe this. I had to give up my nights to serve punishments with the dungeon Bat. It's like professor snape said it because he find it amusing me being his personal slave. Snape has usually been fairly nice to me for the time I have been at Hogwarts, I am a Slytherin with helps dramatically, I am very gifted at potions and answer a lot of questioned correctly. He treats me better Than Draco which is a surprise to be honest.
I just hope he doesn't make me do horrible things in the detention, I couldn't deal with scrubbing floors every night, it would be torture especially since I'm not a one for Manual labor.

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