Chapter 1

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(Kurapika POV)

Fire, screams, and blood that is all I saw as I stood there frozen in not just shock but also fear as I see all the people I cared about and love. Dead. I then see the faces of the spiders all looking at me and I'm frozen there not being able to do a thing and then Chrollo's hand reaches for my face and caressed my cheek as he whispers in my ear with his hot breath on it "join us" and then everything went black, I woke up in cold sweat as my eyes glowed scarlet for a couple seconds then turned back to normal and looked around and realized it was all a dream I was shaking a little and decided to go to the kitchen and get something to drink. When I went to the kitchen i felt like someone was watching me and had my guard up but also I was thinking back on the words chrollo said which was "join me" so I was wondering why would I dream something like that up but also am curious why he would say something like that as far as I know the spiders want me good as dead but also want me to suffer greatly for what I did but they deserved it after the way they killed my clan and sold their eyes off like their lives didn't matter and it is people and scum like them that make me want them dead so bad and people like them deserve to die for there actions and killing innocent people that didn't deserve what they went through. As I was thinking about them my anger only went up and I was starting to see red and i knew I had to calm myself down so I took a deep breath and calmed myself down as I was walking back to my room with my tea. I still felt the gaze as if someone was watching me and decided it would be best to keep my guard up and go to bed for now so I am not sleep deprived because after all I still have work tomorrow and being sleep deprived definitely won't help also in my quest to kill the spiders and get the eyes back and  so I close my eyes and fall into a deep slumber.

(Chrollo pov)

I was sitting down in the temporary hideout and was thinking about something or should I say someone. The person on my mind at the moment was the chain user recently he has been on my mind I know exactly why after he killed Uvogin I was interested in him because Uvogin was someone who normally not be defeated but that someone by themselves not only defeated but killed him as well intrigued me and i knew that whoever this person was they were strong and not to be underestimated and then when I was captured and saw the chain user in person I thought that he was a she then when he took of his disguise and I managed to see him in person without any disguise on I feel for him instantly. The beautiful golden, shiny hair that looked so silky and smooth not a tangle in sight the way it flowed down to his shoulders and his pale skin and stunning eyes that were a beautiful chocolate brown and in them there was such strong resolve and determination but also anger and hatred with a look of coldness as colder then ice then when they turned that beautiful scarlet red that I love so much and the anger in his eyes when I kept taunting him and also his voice that was smooth and calm but also had anger and venom laced into his tone as well when he talked and looked at me and also another thing i love about him is his personality and power I just love everything about him and the whole troupe knows I am head over heels for him and I even watch him a lot to make sure not only he's safe but also so I can learn more about him and his schedule and how he interacts around people and even learn a thing or two about his abilities maybe and what type he is so that I know what to expect after all. He is a future spider after all and do what I need to do and what it takes not not only to have him join us but also be mine. So after a little bit of sitting around thinking about him more I decided to head out and watch him for a little bit so I ran out into the cold, chilly night and eventually ended up in the city and walked around for a little bit till I spotted a open window and peeked inside and saw him sitting there reading a book with a peaceful look on his face and was smiling a little bit which made me had the urge to just want to run up and cuddle and kiss him and maybe even do more and make everyone know he is mine and so I kept staring at him till I eventually saw him put his book down and stand up, turn off the lights and go to bed so I just stayed there watching him. Later on that night I decided to sneak inside and so I went to the front door and after some trying managed to get the door open without making a sound and also without breaking the door down and did when I when inside right away the apartment had this more peaceful and comfortable atmosphere. I also noticed it was pretty simple but cozy and not cramped which I wasn't to surprised about and so I next then decided to walk around i noticed that the way it was like inside it sort of reminded me of the way the houses of the Kurta clan looked inside which honestly was not to surprising considering he is from that clan I also noticed there was a rather larger room that looked like it was made into a mini library and had lots of books seems like I learned a new thing about him which is seems like me really likes reading a lot so that is good to know for the future which is make sure to have lots of books so incase he feels like reading he can. The final room I went in was his room and i made sure to be extra quiet cause I don't know how good he is at picking up peoples presence so i have to be careful. I decided so sit down and very carefully touched his cheek with my hand and whispered in his ear "you will be mine and will join me" and stepped back. I saw him tensing up in his sleep and realized he must be having a nightmare and was kinda mad that I longer saw his cute sleeping face and instead he had this look of not fear but discomfort like he was seeing or hearing something he doesn't want to and then I saw his twitching which meant he was about to wake up so I quickly hid in his closet and used en and zetsu to hide my aura and presence and then I saw him wake up and looked like he was leaving the room so I quickly got out of my hiding spot and without making a sound and followed him to the kitchen I had the urge to push him against the wall and kiss him or sneak attack him and take him back to the hideout but when I was about to I noticed the way he was looking around and I realized that he most have picked up on that someone was there and so I decided now was not the best time and so I just waited until I saw him go back to his room and go back to bed. When he finally feel asleep again I walked right next to him and got close to his face and brushed his bangs aside  and kissed him on the cheek and said, "night cutie" and left with a smile and the only thing I can think about before I left was you will be mine and left with the feeling of his warm soft cheek in my hand and went into the cold night.

That's the end of the chapter 1 I want you to let me know what you think of the story so far I did not mean to write the chapter this long but it just so happens to turn i did so yeah and also I will try my best to update when I can abs not lose my motivation to work on this story anyway till text time 😎

Caught in the spiders web (completed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن