[CH9A]I Just Went...

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Author = [Hello]
Actions = sigh
Emphasizing = Why
Thoughts = 'Why'
Speaking = "Why"
System Speech = {Why}
System = Why
Party Chat = 《Why》
[CH9A and CH9B happen at the same time]
Y/n1 Pov

Me-"This was a mistake!"I screamed as I smashed my head into a bamboo shoot."I entered this forest out of curiosity and now i'm stuck with this crap!Well fuck you too forest!I will conquer you!I will know every nook and cranny as if it were the back of my hand!"

I took a couple seconds but I calmed myself and continued onward.I have no intention of flying in this god forsaken forest.

Taking a couple deep breathes I continue in the direction I was walking.I'll either know the forest perfectly or it'll be nothing but a pile of ash by the end of the day.As I walked I felt something snap below me.

??2 Pov

I laughed as I heard the trap trigger. Reisen was so predictable making traps for her.

Me-"Laughing Reisen you sure are a dumb one falling for such a simple trap."I spoke as I made my way to the trap.

From the hole was a heat unlike any other.For a second I thought it was her but when I heard the shout of anger followed by a wave of fire from the hole.

???-"I've had it with this fucking forest!Everything in here is gonna be burnt to the ground!"

I tried to turn and run but I felt a hand grab onto my head.Slowly turning my head I was met with the face of a predator.The man had blood red eyes and fire frothing from the mouth.There was some weird creature wrapped around his neck with stitching all up its face.His eyes met mine and my breath hitched.

???-"Starting with you."He whispered.

Me-"Wai-wait please!I can explain!"I shouted as I felt his grip tighten."The trap was a prank!It was meant for my fri--"Before I could get the word out he threw me towards a tree.

???-"Who are you?!Are you her accomplice?!"He shouted while looking in the direction opposite to me.

Looking in that direction I see Reisen glaring at the man.Who was no holding a parasol?When did he get that?

Reisen-"What?Accomplice?Looks to me Tewi what did you do?"

Me-"Me!What about him!"I shouted while pointing at the man still breathing fire.

???-"Enough of this chit chat!I will burn you all away.Not even your E--" Suddenly he grew quiet and sat down.

Looking back to Reisen I realize they were looking each other in the eyes. Taking the chance I ran to hide behind her.

Reisen-"I'm going to release you but only if you promise me you'll keep your cool.Ok?"

???-"Whatever.You know besides the loss of anger and annoyance I feel practically the same."He mumbled. "Regaining emotion Though I do gotta say you are a real amateur."He says as points at me."I mean a fall trap?Come on that is such a lame prank.You couldn't have come up with a better idea?"

Me-"Like you could do better!"I shout still behind Reisen.

???-"Oh I can.There's so many tricks and pranks I know that no man, woman, human, youkai, or god could beat me.Though I have nothing to prove to a pipsqueak like you."

Me-"Pipsqueak?!Why I oughta..."I stop talking and tug on Reisen's skirt.She looks to me and I whisper to her. "Reisen isn't he to close to Eientei."

???-"What about Eientei now?"

Me-'How did he hear me?'

Reisen-"How do you know about Eientei?"

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