Can't hold it back anymore

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Elsa and Honeymaren were back at camp. Things were settilng down. Some of the Northuldrans were still gathered with the Halonanians, and only a few were back at the campsite that Elsa and Honeymaren were at. 

However, Bruni and Flurry made sure to stay nearby, as always.

Elsa was extremely nervous and she knew it was time. It should have been done days ago, and now Elsa knew she couldn't wait any longer to confess her feelings to Honeymaren.

Elsa and Honeymaren were both on the log by Honeymaren's campsite again. Just hearing Honeymaren's gentle, sultry yet sweet voice calmed Elsa down.

They talked about Arendale a little bit and how things were before Elsa came to the Enchanted forest.

Honeymaren tossed a stick into the fire, "I still can't believe you went through all that. I couldn't imagine living alone like that and coming out of it as good as you did. You're so brave, Elsa"

"Aw thank you. Sorry, I didn't want you to feel bad or anything trust me, I'm fine." reassured Elsa

Honeymaren held her hand, "I know that you're fine now. But I'm still sorry it happened. I wish it didn't"

"I'm actually glad it did. It made me stronger" admitted Elsa

"That's the spirit" said Honeymaren with a proud smile

Honeymaren threw another stick into the fire and Bruni raced after it and grabbed it in his mouth while in the fire.

"Quit showing off, fire spirit" laughed Honeymaren

Bruni raced over to Elsa to get cooled down.

"What do you want? Some snow?" smirked Elsa, giving him a pile of snow to cool off on with his stick

Elsa turned to Honeymaren, "Thank you, by the way"

Honeymaren cocked her head, "For what?"

"For always being so sweet to me" said Elsa, sincerely. She had so many things she wanted to tell Honeymaren but didn't want to overwhelm her

Honeymaren put her hand on her heart, "Aww of course, Elsa! You are the sweetest! Literally you're my favorite person to be around. When I'm with you, I feel so comfortable, y'know?"

"I feel the same way about you" Elsa stammered, "I mean that you're also mine, I mean not like mine..." 

Elsa involuntarily let a blast of ice escape from her hands and onto the ground below her, "Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry about this! Why does this have to be so hard?"

Honeymaren held both of her hands and feeling the warmth of her hands brought Elsa some newfound peace, "What's hard? What's going on, Elsa? Talk to me"

Elsa sighed, "I've been having a hard time controlling my powers around you . I'm scared they're going to hurt you"

Honeymaren assured, "You're not going to hurt me. Don't be afraid, Elsa. You're in your natural elemnt here. Just be yourself."

"Thank you, Maren" said Elsa, appreciately

Honeymaren asked, "Is that the only thing that's making you nervous?"

Elsa was looking down at her shoes and noticed Bruni in the corner of her eyes. He gave her an encouarging nod.

Elsa took in a deep breath, "Well, there is this other thing. But I don't want it to change things between us"

Honeymaren replied, "Nothing will change. You're my best friend. I told you that you can tell me anything"

Elsa looked at her, touched. Her heart was happy and her powers didn't feel out of control anymore. A few snowflakes fell around her but they were relatively peaceful.

Elsa admitted, "Honeymaren, when I'm around you I can't think straight. No one has ever made me feel this way before. You make me so happy and you're so beautiful and kind and... I think I'm falling for you"

Bruni fell back dramatically into a faint.

Honeymaren asked, "You really mean that?"

Elsa nodded, nervously.

Honeymaren put her hand under Elsa's chin and looked into her eyes, "I feel the same way"

Elsa blinked, dreamily at her, "You do?"

Honeymaren playfully scrunched her nose at her, "I'd definately say so. How could I not? You're adorable"

Honeymaren calling her adorable caused more snow to flurry around them but with a wave of her hand Elsa was able to get it to vanish.

Honeymaren asked, "Wait, has all this freezing recently been because you have had a crush on me?"

Elsa nodded shyly and Honeymaren giggled, "That's the cutest thing ever"

Elsa looked down at their hands that were intertwined.

Honeymaren asked, "May I?"

"Yes?" asked Elsa

"May I kiss you?"

Bruni let out a shocked lizard sound but Elsa couldn't hear anything but Honeymaren's voice ion that moment. Not even Gale running through the trees' leaves or the water crashing on the shore or the tribes off in the distance cheering or the crickets of the forest... only Honeymaren

Elsa purred, "Absolutely"

Honeymaren leaned over, putting her hands on Elsa's face as they kissed.

Elsa had experienced many kinds of magic in her life but she knew she never felt anything as amazing as that.

After their kiss, they smiled at eachother, knowing fully well that they were both offically smitten.

Honeymaren got one of the blankets that was by their feet and placed it over each of their shoulders. She reached for Elsa's hand and they sat watching the fire, enjoying eachother's company.


It had been about a half hour and Anna was back from the tribal gathering. But the Northuldran people and Anna didn't seem to be in any rush to get into bed anytime soon.

"What have you two been up to?" Anna asked as she and Ryder went over to Elsa and Honeymaren

Elsa gave a nervous laugh, "Umm uhh...we were...what were we up to, Honeymaren?"

Honeymaren bit her lip, "We were just chillin"

Bruni let out a little lizard laugh

Anna looked at them, skeptically, "Ohhhhkayyy. Anyways, we probably should head to bed soon. Monarch said there is a big gathering in their township tommorrow"

"There is? And they're inviting our tribe? Something seems fishy about that" admitted Honeymaren

Elsa put her hand on her shoulder and reassured, "I'm sure it will. be fine"

Honeymaren smiled at her, "With you by my side, it will"

Elsa could have swore she saw a cheeky expression cross Bruni's face. Sometimes Elsa wondered if Bruni really could talk but he was hiding it.

Anna told the girls goodnight and Honeymaren and Elsa got in Honeymaren's tent after Honeymaren insisted that Elsa join her tent.

Elsa worried, "Are you sure you won't be too cold?"

"I'm fine! The cold doesn't really bother me either. Besides, I'm with you so I'm happiest" said Honeymaren

They laid in Honeymaren's quilted homemade bed and were able to see th stars glowing through the thin fabrics of the tent.

"Beautiful night, huh?" remarked Honeymaren

"Yeah, like you" said Elsa, starting to feel a lot more comfortable and content around her

Honeymaren held her hand and scooted closer to her, "Goodnight, Snowy"

Elsa smiled at the nickname, "Goodnight, Honey"

From the edge of the tent, Bruni and Flurry cuddled up closer too.

Frozen 2 Beyond: Elsa and HoneymarenWhere stories live. Discover now