Chapter 6: 19 Students

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A/N: This is also held sometime after All Might retires. Also make sure you read the authors note at the end.

Aizawa's pov

The whole class came early today, we wanted to know who it was so we could save them. We couldn't just let them kill themselves. We wouldn't be the same with 19 students. The number is supposed to be 20. It has to be 20. Not anymore or any less. I don't know if me or the students could deal with an empty desk. We would all surely spiral. I walked up to the door and grabbed the handle. Midoriya, Uraraka, Iida, Bakugo, Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero, Ojiro, Mina, Koda, Tokoyami, and Momo were behind me. That leaves Aoyama, Asui, Hagakure, Jirou, Mineta, Sato, Shoji, and Todoroki still not here. Great, just what we needed. Both of the suspects are nowhere to be seen. I opened the door and walked in with the rest of the students. To our surprise Asui, Hagakure, and Jirou were already there. As everyone walked in and went to their seats the three were staring at me with wide eyes. I knew what they meant, and I was surprised. Sitting on my desk was another note, hopefully not the last. A decided to wait to read it until everyone else arrived. About 2 minutes later the remaining students filed into the room. As they sat down we all looked around. And that's when we noticed. The one seat empty. Shoto Todoroki's seat. They all started to panic but once I got them calmed down with the help of Iida we decided that we would read the letter first before looking for him. I thought it was the best because there is a chance he could just be late or was going to the bathroom. A very small chance but I hoped that it was that. And if they left us another letter it has to have something important on it. Once everyone was quiet I picked up the letter, I noticed that it was longer than the other ones, I also noticed that it was rightfully signed. I started to read...

Dear Class 1-A,

I'm sorry it had to end like this. Today is the day. The day I have been counting down for. The day to end it all. I, Shoto Todoroki will die today, and this is my suicide letter. Let's start with the reason I'm committing, my past. I'm sure you all have heard of quirk marriages. They are illegal now but in the past they weren't. My father bought my mother from her family for her quirk. His set goal was to create a child with her who could wield both quirks. First they had my oldest brother Touya, he had a fire quirk. My father began to train him to become his successor, to surpass All Might. However he still wanted a child with both an ice and fire quirk. So they had my older sister Fuyumi, she has an ice quirk. They then had my other older brother Natsuo, he also has an ice quirk. Then they had me. My father continued to train Touya until my quirk developed. However he soon discovered that Touya's skin was sensitive to his own fire, therefore he could burn himself everytime he used his quirk. This made my father angry and instead of continuing to train Touya he neglected him. When I was 4 my quirk developed, Touya wanted me to hide the fire part from my father so he wouldn't train me but he ended up finding out anyways. The start of training was the brutalist. I remember the first training session I had. I was 4 and my quirk had only developed a couple weeks ago, my father punched me in the stomach until I threw up. My mother begged him to stop but he never did, this went on every day for 2 years. One night when I was 6 I woke up from a nightmare of my father. I got up and went to the kitchen to get some water to calm my nerves. I remember hearing my mother talking on the phone to someone. She said she couldn't raise me anymore because everyday my left side looked more and more like my father. Once she acknowledged my presence she grabbed the boiling water in front of her and poured it on my face, that's where I got my scar. My father drove her to the brink of insanity. His abuse was too much for her. After he figured out it was my mother who did it he put her in a mental hospital, she's been there ever since and it's been almost a decade since I've seen her. The abuse still continued after. When I was 7 my brother Touya couldn't deal with my father anymore. He only really stayed for my mother but once she was sent away he couldn't bear stay there anymore. So one night he ran away, he hasn't been seen since. He was presumed dead and we held a funeral for him with an empty casket, the only person who didn't show up was my father. Ever since then the abuse has gotten worse. My father takes his anger out on me a lot, especially when he is drunk. He calls it training. Says that if I ever tell anyone about he would kill me, and honestly I wouldn't put it past him, what a hero he is. When I came to UA I wasn't that social and didn't want to make friends with anyone, mostly because of a few reasons. Reason one was because I was homeschooled my whole life so I have never interacted with other kids my age. Reason two was because my father never let me out of the house when I was younger and he didn't let me talk to my siblings, so I have almost no social experience. Reason three was that I had been planning this for a while and I didn't want anyone to get too attached to me. I hid everything from everyone because that was what I was told to do, but I always hoped that someone would notice the weird ways I acted and take action on it. No one ever did. No one ever asked why I always got changed in a stall instead of the open locker room with everyone else. No one ever asked why whenever I was asked to go somewhere after school with the class I denied. No one ever asked why I never went to the pool and if I did I was fully clothed the whole time. I was never actually fully clothed to cover the bruises and burns and cuts my father gave me though. I was covered to hide the cuts I gave myself on my arms and thighs. I was hiding my self harm. I've always thought about ways to piss my father off, and this was the best one I could think of. His masterpiece was going to kill himself. He wouldn't have someone to surpass All Might. Not that I could even do that anymore, but I would have to live up to his reputation. That would be my fathers way of surpassing All Might. So that's what led me here, today. My past took a toll on me. It damaged me. So I decided to end it. And since I'm going down I'm taking Endeavor with me. I estimate this will take you about maybe 5 minutes to read, and a couple more minutes to calm everyone down. That should be enough time, because not only is this a suicide letter, it's a distraction. Give me a nice funeral will you. Bury me next to Touya.


Shoto Todoroki.

We all stood in shock at what we heard. It was surprising, terrible. Then it hit us. What the last few sentences said. He had already done it, but there was still a chance we could save him. We all ran out of the classroom and split into groups. We looked in every room. After about 10 minutes of searching I heard a scream. I started running in that direction as did some others. When we got to where the scream came from we noticed it was a bathroom. I pushed my way inside and there he was. Shoto Todoroki was lying on the bathroom floor bleeding out. Bakugo called 911 and Midoriya, Iida, Kirishima, and Uraraka helped me wrap his self-inflicted cuts with bandages Momo made and some of Sero's tape. Once we were done we were still waiting on an ambulance and I checked his pulse. It was already low and was still decreasing. I started to give him CPR. I then noticed a newly opened bottle of some kind of pills next to him, it was almost empty. So he tried overdosing and cutting. After a couple more minutes the ambulance arrived and we carried him out of the school and put him in. Once the doors were closed they sped off to the closest hospital. I went with him and watched as they connected him to many IV's and put an oxygen mask on him, desperately trying to keep him alive.

Time skip 1 week

I got up and got ready for the day. It was hard but I had too. When I arrived it was nice. It was a beautiful sunny day and there were flowers everywhere. We made sure to do what he requested. He was right next to his brother Touya. After we arrested Endeavor for child abuse his siblings used their fathers money to get a nice coffin and gravestone. They made it an overall nice funeral. His mom was able to come and the school let all of the students and teachers off for today so they could come. Not counting his family 40 people showed up. Some people I didn't even think would consider coming came. Some people who didn't even know him came. By the time it was over everyone was in tears, even Bakugou. Once everyone cleared out I was one of the last people left. I set down some flowers I brought on the new soil, and started to walk away. Before I walked too far I took one last look at my former students grave.

Shoto Todoroki
January 11th - August 28th
A loved son, brother, and friend.
Gone but certainly never forgotten.

The end.

1742 words.

A/N: That's a wrap on this story. I know it's a sad ending but I'm actually really happy with it so I'm not going to change it. Although message me or comment if you want me to make an alternative happy ending. I would love to do that at some point. Go check out my other story Hurting (Abused Todoroki)! I should be able to update that soon but I'm had a lot of fun writing a short story like this with short chapters so I might make another one like that. So comment or message me any short story idea's you want or one-shots and I will make a story of it, I will also give you credit so don't worry. That's it. I hope you have a lovely day!


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