Chapter 4: No More Hints

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A/N: I love this fanart so much.

Ojiro's pov

I arrived at class earlier than usual today. I knew it wasn't me who was writing the letters, I had a feeling that it was Todoroki. I don't know much about him or talk to him much but I know Shoji. Those letters don't describe him, so it has to be Todoroki. I just hope we can help him in time. It is a little annoying having Sero stay with me all the time but if it's what keeps us safe then it's ok. In fact it's the whole reason I arrived earlier to class today. Sero wanted to get here early to talk to his friends. I completely respect that and I don't mind at all. I also really want to know who got the letter today. I walked into class with Sero and looked at my desk. I immediately stopped. There was a letter on my desk. The letter. I went up to my desk, grabbed the letter and set it on Mr. Aizawa's. There was no way I was reading it. I couldn't bring myself to. Later Mr. Aizawa walked into class and saw the letter on his desk. He asked who got it originally and I told him it was me. He nodded and sighed before opening the letter.

Dear Class 1-A,

2 days left. You know it's kind of fun. Counting down towards my death. Every day, hour, minute, and second I'm awaiting the end of my life. It's like I have a death sentence. But instead of having it because of my wrongs, it's because of all of the wrongs that others have made. I gotta say having someone follow me around everywhere is really annoying. Try taking a dump with someone right outside the door. Try sleeping with someone on a cot right next to you. Try waking up with nightmares every night and hiding it from them. It's really not to my liking but if it's what you all want to do go ahead. You know because of this whole following me around thing I couldn't go home after school yesterday, which only got me in more trouble. I advise all of you to stop the following people thing, because if you don't then I won't end up killing myself. I'll end up getting beat to death by my father instead. I had to listen to his stupid, annoying voice on the phone yelling at me and throwing insults at me for 2 hours. Honestly I'd rather be beat then have to sit and listen to that. I hope I succeed this time though. I've tried before. Three times to be exact. My first time I was 10, I tried cutting. The second time I was 12, I tried overdosing. The third time I was 14, I tried to jump off a bridge. Every time I was either saved or stopped. It sucks. The fact that if I would have succeeded the first time I would have not had to go through as much as I have. That I didn't have to suffer as much as I did. It's ironic though. I'm planning to die in 2 days and I don't even know how I'm going to do it. So what do you all think I should do. Cut, Overdose, Jump, or Hang myself. I don't have many options but I know that I'll have to try harder this time. To make sure it works. Also since you all have it narrowed down to 2 people, I'm not giving you any hints. Actually if you pay enough attention to the letters you'll get some hints from that. But I doubt that will help you now. I don't want to be saved anymore. I simply want to die.


Your classmate.

Everyone was shocked to say the least. And we all quickly agreed to stop the following thing. We didn't want anything bad to happen to this person. Iida swiftly walked up to the board and crossed out my name. It's a short list but we couldn't just assume who it was. We need to be careful.

Mezo Shoji

Shoto Todoroki

We were all a bit confused though. If they weren't giving us anymore hints then who was going to get the letter tomorrow. Tomorrow is the second to last letter. The whole thing is kind of weird too. We are supposed to be heroes in training, but this whole week has just felt like we are trying to solve a murder. Except in the end we all hoped that there wouldn't be a dead body. Hopefully with tommorows letter we will be able to figure out who it is. But for right now we have to simply be students and start class, even if we didn't want to.

807 words.

A/N: Only a couple more chapters of this story left. I will try to finish it soon. I will probably finish this story before I update my other story because I find it easier to write this one more than the other. But if you haven't go check out my other story Hurting. Although I know that people probably don't read these anyways. I probably won't update again tonight. Anyway that's all. I hope you have a lovely day!


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