{Chapter 22: Loss}

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-Before the Game-

"Good luck, Shin" I said, walking beside him as we made our way back from the vending machine.

"Thank you" he replied, giving my hand a gentle squeeze.

"To make up for the times we couldn't go out, I'll take ya on a date sometime after this" he offered with a small smile.

"I would love that" I grinned, kissing his cheek, continuing to walk beside each other.

"So this is why you didn't want to go out with me" a teasing voice called out.

I turned to see a certain rooster and owl-head.

"Tetsurō, Kōtarō" I greeted, ignoring what Kuroo said.

"Don't ignore the confrontation!!!" Kuroo shouted, getting cut off by Bokuto.

"HANA~" he cheered, bringing me into a hug and squeezing me.

"Eh? Who are you?" he questioned, noticing Kita next to me.

"I'm Kita Shinsuke from Inarizaki" he introduced, kind of peeved that his girlfriend got taken from him.

"Oh~" he said, letting go of me.

"What are you two doing here?" I asked, looking towards Kuroo.

"We were actually going to get a drink when we saw your oh so lovely interaction, Hana-chan~" Kuroo said, a sly look in his eyes.

"Care to introduce him to us properly?" he continued, standing besides the oblivious Bokuto who looked between Kita and I curiously.

I sighed before gesturing to Shinsuke.

"...This is Kita Shinsuke, my boyfriend" I monotonously sighed out before turning to Kita.

"Shinsuke...the one in white is Bokuto Kōtarō, he's a close friend of mine... the one is red is Kuroo Testurō...he's a friend too, I think..."

"HHHUUUHHHH?!?! What do you mean 'I think'?!?!?!" Kuroo shouted.

"He's your boyfriend?..." Bokuto said, almost questionably.

I nodded, before sweat-dropping.

Bokuto had sulk lines appearing on his forehead.

"She has someone special...before me..." he sulked, hair deflating.

Where is Akaashi when I need him...

I thought, before spotting a mop of messy black hair.

"Oh! Akaashi!!! Over here!!" I called out, catching his attention before he jogged towards us, seeing Bokuto's state.

"What happened?" he asked, looking at the four of us.

"My bro Bokuto got sad cause he just found out that our Hana-chan here has a boyfriend" Kuroo explained, smirking.

I sighed, seeing Kuroo and Akaashi trying to cheer Bokuto up.

I turned to Shinsuke, discreetly.

"Let's go..." I whispered, grabbing his hand and walking away, unseen.

I sighed, hearing Shinsuke chuckle.

"You have very interesting friends"

"I met them during the training camp at Tokyo last year, remember the video I sent of the playground shenanigans? Those two dragged me and the girls out there, along with some other victims..." I sighed before smiling, remembering the tiring but entertaining night.

We arrived at our destination, seeing the grand arena.

"This brings back memories..." I sighed out, remembering the past.

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