{Chapter 18: Hospital}

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-Hospital Room-

I laid on my bed, staring blankly at the plain white ceiling.

My hair was slightly damp from my recent shower.

I'm so bored...

I thought, turning my head towards the window.

I remembered the conversation I had with the doctor.

"I'm sorry, Miya-san"  he said.

"You damaged your patella region quite a bit, but luckily you won't need surgery for it. But as your doctor, I need you to stop playing volleyball" he advised.

I blanked out for a moment, processing what he just said.

'Stop...playing....volleyball.....?' I thought.

"Miya-san?" he called out, bringing me back to reality.

"H-hai..." I replied, looking at him.

I looked outside for a while before I heard my door slide open.

My head shot towards the door to see a nurse.

"Miya-san, you have visitors" she said, smiling politely.

"Please let them in" I responded, sitting up.

The girls and boys volleyball club walked into my room.

I'm surprised my room and can fit everyone in...

They greeted me as they all found their seats somewhere in the room.

"Hey guys..." I replied, smiling softly.

"How do yer feel?" Haruko asked.

"Fine" I answered with a smile.

"...what exactly happened?" Aran questioned.

I thought about it, remembering what exactly happened.

"Well, I was getting ready for Kaneda's spike but I was caught off guard by the sudden dump made by the setter....so when I changed my direction quickly...my knee just...shut down" I answered, looking at my hands placed in front of me.

"Say Hana-chan, what did the doctor say to you?" Nina asked.

I froze for a second, keeping my gaze on my hands.

"It's ok if you don't want t-"

"He told me that I can't play volleyball" I answered, looking up at her.

"Eh? For how long? I think that you'll be able to pl-"

"He told me to stop playing competitively..." I cut her off.

There was a silence engulfing the room for a moment.

"W-what? What does that mean?" Haruko asked, hesitantly.

"It's exactly what it sounds like...I damaged my patella area a lot" I explained, sighing.

Nina fell awfully silent.

'I-is she mad? Upset?' Distraught? I thought, getting worried.

"Hey Nina, are yer alri-"

"AWWW THATS NOT FAIR!!! I WON'T HAVE MY GUARDIAN FOX WITH ME" Nina whined, tears coming out of her eyes comically.

I sweat-dropped while watching her continue to whine.

Everyone laughed at her sudden outburst as Nina continued to cry while I tried to calm her down frantically.

After I managed to calm her down, everyone started their own conversations.

"Ne, Hana-chan" Nina called out cheerfully.

I turned to look at her, others also watching.

"Since you can't play with us anymore...I'm going to cover for you while you watch us play next year and the year after that!!!" Nina declared, getting fired up.

'Wow...I'm touched...' I thought, feeling grateful for having such a good friend and teammate 'but I rather not say that to her...'

"So, yer gonna become a Defensive Specialist and master my serve for me?" I teased, trying not to laugh.

Nina flinched as she yelled out "N-No, but I'll play for the both of us"

I tilted my head "Eh? But you said that you'll cover for me"

"H-hey!!! Stop using my words against me, its not nice!!!"

Haruko bursted out laughing, slapping her knee.

"Imagine Nina spiking a volleyball let alone serving!!!" she howled before doubling over laughing again.

"Hey!!! What's that supposed to mean?!?!" Nina pouted.

"Yer can't hit anything and yer aim when spiking is so shit!!" Haruko answered before continuing.

"And whenever yer serve, yer always hit me in the head!!" she laughed, wiping a tear out go her eye.

Nina continued to complain, Haruko laughing at her as everyone watched, chuckling at the scene.

I'm sure going to miss this...

I thought, laughing slightly from behind my hand.




After a while, the team had to leave and go home, waving before they left.

"We'll see yer at home soon, Nee-san, sleep well" Osamu said, kissing my cheek.

He was about to leave when he realised that Atsumu wasn't following.

Samu was about to say something before closing his mouth and going outside to wait for him.

"Nee-san..." Atsumu called out, sitting closer to me.

"Hey Tsumu..." I answered softly.

He hasn't talked that much or at all since coming into this room...

Tsumu then grabbed onto my hands, before looking up at me.

"I'll play for you too..." he declared.

My eyes widened before breaking into a smile.

"Thank you, Tsumu...play to yer hearts content, I'll be watching over ya" I replied.

Tsumu then pulled my hands, bringing his arms around me.

"I'm going to do my best for you...I'll show the entire world that...because of you..I was able to find something that I truely loved" he said, tightening his embrace.

I almost teared up, hugging him back.

"Thank you, Tsumu"

After he left, a figure walked next to me and sat down on the bed, looking into my eyes.

"Hey, Shinsuke..." I greeted, smiling.

"Hey Hana" he answered.

A silence engulfed us before Kita took me into his embrace, rubbing circles onto my back.

"Let it out..." Shinsuke told me.

I froze for a second, before the tears started to fall out.

I started to shake a bit as I grabbed onto his shirt.

"W-why did it have to be me?" I cried.

"I..worked so hard...to get better and to prevent this from happening but...why wasn't it enough?"

"And now..I have to stop...I wasn't finished....I wanted to stay on the court for a little longer...to spike and save longer..."

I continued to cry, soaking Shinsuke's shirt with my tears.

Shinsuke comforted me while I cried until I fell asleep in his warm and comforting embrace.

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