{Chapter 15: Rose}

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-After School-

Both the boys and girls volleyball team had the afternoon off due to yesterday's relentless Interhigh event.

Theres only a little over a month until Nationals begins...

I thought, walking besides Kita as we made our way to the front gates.

As we were walking we saw the twins surrounded by fangirls.

We both sweat-dropped at the scene.

"Ever since the Interhigh tournament, they've been approached by a lot of girls and received many gifts, they bring something home everyday" I told Kita, as we both avoided them.

"I see, yer know some of them even try and sign up for the managers position which makes the captain get really irritated" Kita said, remembering his captains remarks about the fangirls.

I laughed and pat his shoulder.

"I feel so bad for you"

We continued to walk, sharing some stories and bantering occasionally until a first year boy called out to me, his hands behind his back.

"Excuse me, Miya-senpai, m-may I speak with you?" he asked, looking at me.

I looked at him then at Kita, a bit confused.

"I'll go wait for ya at the gates" he said, walking away.

I turned back to the boy with a polite smile.

"What can I do for ya?" I asked.

He fidgeted a little before answering.

"W-would you like to go out with me, s-senpai?" he stuttered, bringing out a rose, his eyes briefly meeting mine before looking at the floor.

Oh how cute...

I chuckled mentally, admiring the boy's courage.

"I admire yer courage but I'm sorry, I already have my eyes on someone else " I told him, feeling slightly guilty.

"Oh, I see" he muttered, disappointed.

I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry, I'm sure that there's someone out there waiting for you to find them" I reassured.

Gosh, I hope that at least makes him feel better...I don't know how to deal with this...

I nervously thought.

The boy then straightened up and looked at me.

"Alright, I believe you senpai, thank you" he answered, a small smile gracing his face.

I started cheering in my head.

"But please accept this, I got it just for you, I will consider it my first step to moving on" he said, pushing the rose in front of me.

I took the rose from his hands, gingerly and smiled.

"Thank you...well, I'll be off now, have a safe trip home" I bid, waving at him before walking away.

"Y-You too senpai" he called out.

I chuckled and made my way to the front gates, smelling the rose.

"Where did yer get that?" Kita questioned, looking at the rose.

"Oh, the boy from before gave this to me when he confessed" I answered, twirling the rose around my fingers.

"...I see, did yer accept him?" Kita asked.

"No..but I admired his courage and turned him down as nice as I could" I responded, admiring the rose.

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