who'd be the first to break?

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dedicating this chapter to jayla, who I DESPISE. 

by the way jayla, your dog spells words better than you :)


The sun rose and Luke found himself waking up on the couch with Julie in his arms.

He smiled down at her and stroked her hair softly. She was still sleeping, and Luke thought she was so beautiful. She had her normal clothes on, and so did Luke. They had a rough night filled with tears and sweat, but all that turned into soft kisses and laughter.

Luke was thankful for her. Every time he saw her or even thought of her, he was reminded of how lucky he was to have her, alive and safe. He wasn't himself without her. She was his other half.

Luke wanted to let her sleep, so he gently let go of her and laid her on the couch, getting up and successfully not waking her up. He made his way to the kitchen and got two mugs, a purple one for Julie. He made a quick coffee for him and put it to the side.

He grabbed Julie's mug and started to make her favorite coffee. Julie loved hot coffee with chocolate and caramel drizzled into it. Once he got it ready, he covered the top of it with some foil so that it wouldn't get cold while he made her breakfast.

Julie had taught him how to cook. She always made him the best food, recipes she learned from her aunt. Now, he wanted to repay her and make her breakfast that she could wake up to and relax with.

He opened the fridge and got out the egg carton, grabbing two and making an omelet for her. He went to the pantry and got out some chocolate chip cookies and put them on the plate. Luke brought out the plate and the mug and placed them down on the coffee table in front of the couch.

Luke crouched down by the couch to get on Julie's level. He rubbed her back gently, "Wake up, baby." He whispered to her.

Julie's eyes opened slowly and she smiled when she saw him. "Hiiiiii," She giggled in a childlike way. Luke laughed at her and smiled, "You're so cute."

"I know," She winked at him, sitting up. Julie noticed that he had made breakfast. She smiled, "Don't tell me you got up and right away made me breakfast."

Luke laughed and nodded, "It felt right," He pecked her lips. Julie chuckled and placed her hand on his cheek, stroking it with her thumb.

Luke turned his head so that his lips her closer to her hand, and he placed a gentle kiss on her palm, looking at her eyes the whole time.

Julie laughed cutely, giving him a smile. Luke winked at her and then handed her a plate. Julie tried the egg nervously, not knowing what to expect. As soon as she tasted it, her eyes lit up. 

"What?! I didn't know you could cook this well!"

Luke laughed and nodded, "Learned from the best. AKA the cute little Hispanic girl right in front of me," He booped her nose. Julie rolled her eyes and laughed, "I guess it's safe to say that I am a genius in the kitchen," Julie joked.

"AND IN OTHER PLACES," Reggie blurted out as he poofed into the living room with Alex.

Julie's jaw dropped at the joke and Luke crossed his arms in an annoyed way.

Alex slapped his arm immediately. "Sorry about him, he's forgetting how to properly converse in a civilized manner."

"Okay, King George the third," Reggie huffed and rolled his eyes, getting annoyed at how fancy Alex was speaking. Alex glared and took a seat on the couch.

Julie finished eating her food and then started to drink her coffee, her eyes lighting up again, "Jesus, Luke."

Luke smiled at her, "Good, right?" He flexed his arms triumphantly, joking around like he was powerful. Julie chuckled and nodded.

"Nice arms," Both Reggie and Alex said at the said time.

Luke rolled his eyes. Julie laughed, motioning for Luke to come sit with her. Luke grabbed his coffee and went over to Julie.

"Do we not get coffee?" Reggie crossed his arms.

"Make it yourself, dingus," Luke joked from the couch.

Reggie huffed. "Okay, teenager-who-looks-like-a-porn-star," He whined and went to the kitchen.

Julie looked at Luke, "Is that seriously the nickname he gave you?"

"I mean, have you seen my arms? They're amazing," Luke joked.

From the kitchen, Reggie shouted, "She's seen more than your arms!"

Luke and Julie both gasped at Reggie's joke. "Oh my god, Reg," Julie rolled her eyes.

Alex's hand covered his mouth and he tried hard not to laugh. "Is anybody open to go to a Church later?"

"We're gonna need it," Luke chuckled.

Reggie came back with two coffees, "I made Alex a coffee because unlike you I'M A NICE PERSON," Reggie huffed. Reggie put down the coffees.

"Tell that to your non-existent girlfriend," Luke rolled his eyes.

Reggie gasped, "I'm about t--" Reggie tried to charge at Luke, but Alex grabbed him and stopped him.

"You guys are like children," Julie chuckled.

"Ok boomer," Reggie scoffed.

"Thanks for proving my point," Julie scoffed back.

Reggie mocked her with a baby voice. Julie gasped and got up, tackling him. He shrieked like a girl.


"You're on your own, kid," Alex patted chuckled and got on the couch.

Reggie whined and tried to get Julie off of him, but only ended up on the floor being pinned against his will.

Luke watched and laughed, amused. 

-Unsaid Luke- (2)Where stories live. Discover now